Affordable Digitizing Software Options

Hi. I'm new here. In fact this is my first post. I have a Babylock emp6 running Masterworks I. I bought this about 15 years ago with the intention of doing a business. I did it for a little while until 2008 happened. Then I chose to work for someone else. Anyway. I only use the embroiderer occasionally. I can do basic digitizing but it seems like the software is a little rudimentary, even though I think I spent close to $1000 back then. Is there a cheap, yet better software program that I can run on the emp6. I am used to better user interfaces (I use Adobe Photoshop everyday at work) Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Or if you can point me to an existing thread on the topic that would be great too.

Thank you!

If you have basic software, that's all you need. Even though I have digitizing software, I mostly use it for Lettering. If you still think you need new software, My favorite and cheapest software will be hatch by wilcom, but again, it's gonna cost you around $1000.

Hi, If you are serious about digitizing and want to make your career as professional digitizer than I will suggest you try to use Wilcom Embroidery Software. It is an ideal tool for doing any task related to digitizing. You can download Wilcom software through Google search. I hope this information will helpful in some way.

The process of converting any artwork, image or sketch into an embroidery file format that embed those designs on the attire or piece of clothing is known as embroidery digitizing.At Elegant Patches, we use futuristic embroidery software and machines to make sure you get ideal designs at the most affordable price.