By varsityink on
Jan. 25, 2012
what size or specs do I need to re-order some of these lines? We are about to move it, and I might as well go ahead and replace the ones that were cut way too short, or that are leaking.
United States
Varsity Ink
serving the Statesboro, Milledgeville, and Savannah, GA areas t-shirt and promotional items needs
"Passionate about Printing"
Re: air lines for javelin?
If my memory is correct 5/16 & 1/4. Cut a small piece off the end of each size and run it over to a local hydraulic or hose or truck shop, they should have it on hand.
Owner/Operator of Middletownink
Re: air lines for javelin?
Or look in the manual for the size of the air fittings and get the hosing that matches. But I think Brian nailed it on the head anyways.