By WickedDesign on
Dec. 19, 2009
wanting to step up my game a little here at the shop. i been thinking about getting an auto. im thinking 8 heads, but 10 might be better. Never messed with an auto, so im wondering if any of yall can tell me what's better, air or electric? ive looked at a few ads online and it seems like you can kinda get a better deal on air, but i hadnt really studied up on it too much so i might be wrong. but any advice on this would be awesome. thanks
Re: air or electric?
Dang dude, thats alot of info, thanks
So if air breaks down over time like u say, is it the same thing for the air index?
Re: air or electric?
I just got an older American Rototex automatic. It has all electric driven heads, AND the pallet rotation. The only thing air on it is the chopper cylinders for the squeege and floodbar. I'm really liking it. It's easy to work on and get parts for. I'd say go electric. Air is alot of work. COmpressors, chillers, etc. I worked in a machine shop for a few years, and we had alot of cnc equipment that was air powered, and it was alot of maintenance to keep everything functional.
Re: air or electric?
Watch This Barnes Guy
Re: air or electric?
spidermachines, wow! thats alot of info i had to print it out and show my wife, she likes math, haha. anyway its alot to take in, but thanks alot. it really helps. you should write a book
raw191, i never heard of that brand, but i just started studying autos. what kinda work have you had to do to it since you got it?
tshirt outlet, wtf, i know im not that bright sometimes but im a grown man i make my own judgements, thanks but no thanks
Re: air or electric?
Re: air or electric?
he explained how indexer works. unless hes wrong about that, your not helping me. all i asked was air or electric. if you got any info on that lets hear it, otherwise why do you care? its like all that drama in the classifieds. I DON"T CARE
Re: air or electric?
spider, I just bought a used Gauntlet II 12-color about a month ago. It's servo and got electric heads. It seemed to be working fine at first, but now it's just not printing right. I don't want to have to pay a tech to come out and fix it if it's something I can adjust?
Re: air or electric?
That's cool, I don't want to mess with it until this weekend. I've got some jobs to finish and I don't want to make it worse. I'd appreciate anyone's advise who's handled the same kind of problem.
raw191, you said you worked on them before, any thoughts? The cheaper the fix the better. Christmas season's got me a little light on cash if you know what I'm saying.