Amaya XT 2 Heads 16 Color w/ Softwear

United States

Amaya XT 2 Heads 16 Color w/ Software 2006

One machine has 259,155 stitches on it and the other has 302,649 so you can tell these machines are truly like new.


The tubular cap drivers and four cap frames.
Four wooden jacket back hoops
Four wooden rectangular 18" x 12" hoops
Four 15 cm round hoops
Two 22 cm round hoop
Eight 12 cm hoops
Fast Frames 6 in 1 framing system

Design Shop Pro +
Amaya Flex OS

Dakota Collectibles Treasure Chest of 5,000 designs.

Original manuals and documentation in new condition.
Rolling stand sold for the Amaya XT
Full toolkit sold with the Amaya XT, including grease, oil, etc.
Hoop Master with pocket and sleeve attachments
Over 100 spools of ArcPoly thread including metallic and other specialty threads
Boxes of white and black bobbin threads
Extra needles (sharps and balls in two sizes
Cap hooping stand

Call or email for a detailed proposal

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