Anajet for Sale - $9000 cash

United States

I have an Anajet/Melcojet that I bought for a hobby. I'm in the dental industry full time but sell dental heat pressed shirts two months out of the year at dental conventions (jan and feb) and sell them online throughout the year as a hobby... but just had a baby and am not using the machine. I've done about 40 prints on it.. there is only 510 prints on the machine total. I thought I would use the machine more than I have, and quite honestly, my wife has given me grief for it ever since buying it.. and now that the baby is here... geez!

I have the manuals, blocks, Anaprint driver program for printing dark shirts ($1500 value)

I also have some extras that I'll throw in for free. I have some medical syringes and dental mirrors to use for cleaning so you don't waste ink. I have a great HVLP pretreatment gun, two bottles of pretreat solution (one was used about 1/4th way.. so total of 1.75 bottles left) (all $250 value).

I'll also throw in a copy of Adobe Master Collection CS3 ($2500 value) that has Indesign, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Photosthop, etc. Versions CS3

I also have some Logo Maker software as well as Mascot Tshirt making programs that I didn't use because I only did dental things.

I bought the unit used from a small screen printing store in TN back in early March. He was selling it because he didn't get enough business to keep it and did more embroidery and sports uniforms. The town he lived in was in the middle of no where and I think the population of the town was around 1000 if that tells you why the business was slow...

Again, the print count is around 515-530.. I can check to be exact although it's definitely less than 550 - I just don't know the exact count.

Email me if interested.

I would keep the unit but this is not my job or profession.. it's always been just a hobby...yet I like to make money when I can. The machine was too expensive to not use.. I've only used it less than 10 days total in several months.. I just didn't have time and with the new baby I need the money to buy diapers and keep the wife happy.

The guy I bought it from paid $16,000 for it and I bought it from him for $11,000 cash.. I'll sell it for $9,000 cash or $9250 if using credit card. (I can process credit card payments .. I still sell heat pressed dental shirts online and can use my terminal).

I'm about 30 minutes north of Atlanta. I'll ship it for free if your serious and interested and can't pick it up.

Andy Codding

There are 3 Comments


Yes, I still have the unit. I was in talks with a gentleman from Texas who wanted to purchase it - yet he wasn't able to get financing from anyone. I've given him a few extra days to see if he could come up with the money but it looks like that it never happened as I haven't heard back from him.

If you're still interested email me at I've had a few other people email me with questions and I'm in the process of replying now.


I also have 2 BULK ink catridges for the ANAJET and extra ink to refill the catridges. This saves you time and a lot of money ordering from Anajet! I can give you the info to order the other cartridges if you want those (empty ones are $15 each - refill ink starts at $20).
