ANAJET SPRINT, GK-20 Heat Press, and Action Illustrated Art package Save $$

United States

Perfect condition ANAJET SPRINT, Youth platen, Pocket adapter, Inks, Parchment paper, Pre-treatment gun, Pretreatment, George Knight K-20 with hover, And the full Suite of Action Illustrated Corel Draw Template based art package with all books, Complete startup business package. All about Three months old. will give you contact of salesman who sold me the unit he knows the history and my situation.
Original cost $24,000.00 Sacrifice sale all for $13,000.00 OBO

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pistol wrote:
Perfect condition ANAJET SPRINT, Youth platen, Pocket adapter, Inks, Parchment paper, George Knight K-20, And the full Suite of Action Illustrated Corel Draw Template based art package with all books, Complete startup business package. All about Three months old.

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