By eetherman on
Apr. 03, 2012
Ok, So many of you know that we are in the market for a new or used machine. Anatol has become a part in our search. What has caught my eye is the step back program. Is this feature all it is cracked up to be? Does anyone here run a newer Anatol with this option? Also what is the chances of premature servo failure, if any? Seems that this would be hard on the machine over a period of time? Once again any input is appreciated.
United States
Re: Anatol?
Thanks for posting the vids Brannon!
Re: Anatol?
I concur.
Paul Schmidt
Regional Manager
Workhorse Products
3730 East Southern Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Re: Anatol?
Robert barnes sold 20 presses in 2 years and stole 150k from leon and 80k from me! This is a guy that calls himself the GURU. LMAO you are desperate and it REEKS! Robert why can't you get ahead or sell presses for more than a couple of dollars above wholesale.
The only following you have is the people that jazz you on the boards!
Re: Anatol?
I agree Baron, it's no different than printing on head 3... but to increase productivity and work flow those with more heads available don't print on head 3, they leave as many heads free as they can as cool down stations.
So in that case the revolver program can take a 5 color job with PFP UB on a 6 color press and treat it like a 12 color press in that sense, where as with stepback or flashback it is more like a 7 color press where you are PFP on heads 1,2 and 3.
Again, we are talking about VERY small differences but they do tilt in favor of the Revolver.
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Anatol?
Anatol has had several employee turnover issues with regards to techs. Last guy I talked to was his first week. His background?......HVAC. Every time I talk to them about a service issue I have to take pictures to illustrate the problem. They don't even ask for the serial #. Also I believe some of the schematics went missing during the bankruptcy or whatever it was.
I have run shops with Vindicators, Tridents, and can include a Stratus. At this point I can service the machine myself. Even brought in a machine shop to beef up the indexer assembly. OK machines, nice people, service gets a C+
Re: Anatol?
Re: Anatol?
Re: Anatol?
See, the truth hurts, you have harassed RWB enough and it is time for you to man up, you have convince Alan that you lost $80k when in actuality it was your own actions that caused far more than $80k worth of damages to Printex (never mind what you have done to innocent Mustang)
You have called customers, vendors, business associates, c'mon you called Sara's Dad (what is wrong with this picture)
Jeff, you are wrong for what you have done here, these people needed a good hate story and you allowed 244 to serve it up to them (even if it was over spun)
Not that long ago you came on here and told everyone you were taking over Printex in the USA and now you want everyone to believe that M&R had no hand in any of this, ok (if you say so)
Here is what needs to happen, you need to file a lawsuit against Printex, and they will file one against you and let's all see what the judge decides :confused:
Look, whatever deal you made to get the M&R and whatever contributions you made to get the lawsuit thrown out of court all anyone can say is thank you (M&R has filed enough lawsuits in this industry it's time for us all to take a break)
Re: Anatol?
Check out the the 3 user controled dwell times on the Aries system. You can have one dwell time when you start up. A second after the pallets warm up and a third when everything is at operating temperature. This will eliminate the ink issues brought up in previous posts. It's also done without leaving the load unload area.
Paul Schmidt
Regional Manager
Workhorse Products
3730 East Southern Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Re: Anatol?
Or you could just ask Tony (tonypep), as he has ran almost every year/brand of press extensively. I don't think I could form a valid opinion of any press other than mine unless I ran one for a week or at least a couple days. Learning the little quirks and shortcuts take time and in that time it exposes the shortfalls of the press. I know what mine are, but I don't know what would bug me about a diamondback or an MHM for that matter unless I ran one for a while. That being said, I agree with Alan that the step back feature is about as useful as nipples on a man.
Re: Anatol?
Great News, here is an idea for you, lets encourage Marc to make Sara a mod and she will work with you to create real rules for everyone to follow, that way the side of us good guys can be heard and the side of you bad guys can be heard but in a more balanced way :)
The reality of all this nonsense is that we all are going to be around this industry for a very long time to come and sooner or later we need to find balance in our online behavior toward each other :p
WebgURL would be an excellent mod here on DigitSmith and a lot of these haters will very quickly tow the line
Heck, we could even have some healthy machine debate for once (instead of nothing but Saxby BS)
Let's establish the rules, ask Marc to open up some sections for each group to post in and lets move the industry forward instead of this retarded way of doing things :eek:
Re: Anatol?
So you are saying you are addressing this by slowing it down?
For the record, I'm not trying to argue with you here, physics are physics though.
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Anatol?
You reek of desperation! You stole my 80k PERIOD! I sent everything I had to the FBI and IRS for them to reveiw!
Re: Anatol?
You decrease the flash time as the pallets warm up, so you're speeding things up.
Paul Schmidt
Regional Manager
Workhorse Products
3730 East Southern Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Re: Anatol?
IRS :confused:
Re: Anatol?
Ah, that's universal to all presses but you still have the issue with printing immediately after a flash.
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Anatol?
If you set the flash time correctly, you won't have an issue.
Paul Schmidt
Regional Manager
Workhorse Products
3730 East Southern Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Re: Anatol?
Sure, that wasn't the point I was making.
I guess we will have to just agree to disagree.
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Anatol?
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Anatol?
Robert why are you so eager to use digitsmith for your own uses? You have a forum already make it work on your own merit. Instead of demanding changes on a site that is not even yours.
Re: Anatol?
I can live with that.
Paul Schmidt
Regional Manager
Workhorse Products
3730 East Southern Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Re: Anatol?
It's never wise to print directly after flashing. Too many possible problems.
Re: Anatol?
We all can get along Mike (even you and RWB) if you want to, but you have to decide in your heart that you are willing to be friend or foe :confused:
You are a better person than what you type on the Internet and so is RWB, show all of us that you want to move this forum forward in a positive way and help this industry improve beyond just mudslinging :)
Re: Anatol?
WOW, really? Do you know me have you ever even met me? Have you seen my business, do you know anything about anything. So now I'm going to fail because I'm considering something different other than the norm. BRILLIANT!!! you have got to be one of the dumbest F**KING people I have come across in awhile. Do me a favor and put me on your list, come give me a visit. I would like to see you in person maybe meet sometime. Then lets see your mouth run, and as for 244 apparently NEW business isn't important. I have never spoken one bad thing about M&R and I own M&R equipment as a matter of fact. Now apparently I have done or said something to offend Mr. Rich Hoffman. Was I really considering an M&R? As a matter of fact yes. Will I consider M&R now, probably not.
Re: Anatol?
I guess we will have to just agree to disagree.
Paul Schmidt
Regional Manager
Workhorse Products
3730 East Southern Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Re: Anatol?
Then where would you go?
You are the poster child of all of this behavior.
What post by the Bumper are not true?
Inkman's press doesn't print 20 inches.
Jeff paid for press he did not get.
Leon paid for presses he did not get.
These are facts and you have yet to dispute a single one of them!
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Anatol?
Alan is the best mod, Webgurl was the mod before and it was a failure! I thought in her words she was quiting over the Printex failure.
Re: Anatol?
I think you are both right. Its not a good idea when you can avoid it. When you can't though, I think you can pull it off. It does require some baby sitting and such. But if its the difference between getting or not getting a job. I think it's clear you can make adjustments.... We do it on occasion.
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Anatol?
Sorry that these M&R guys treated you so poorly, but to be fair M&R builds good products and offers good service, you just have to feel sorry for them to understand, it was said best the other day
"a company with that kind of resources over the years should have developed more industry advancements"
M&R is currently at the top and there truly is only one way to go and it isn't up, when you are at the top it's lonely and scary :confused:
Give Rich Hoffman a chance to bring you to Chicago and explain the world according to Rich, you will leave there like Jeff Saxby (a true Blue believer)
Re: Anatol?
Might not be the best method, but like Brandt said, if you aren limited on heads, you gotta do what you gotta do. We do it all the time and never have a problem. We just keep an eye on flash temp and time.
Re: Anatol?
Not sure of your printing background but you won't find many if any veterans printing anything directly from under a flash dryer. If you like unclogging cooked ink from the mesh, screens sticking to the shirt and top colors bleeding everywhere, go right ahead then yes, we agree to disagree.
Re: Anatol?
Both systems are GREAT for that "in a pinch" moment.
BUT, if you had BOTH systems on the same machine at your disposal, I'm pretty sure just about everyone would choose the revolver.
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Anatol?
Rich is a stand up guy! I owe him money and Robert Barnes owes me 80k and Leon 150k.
Robert why can't you get traction agaist M&R? You LOSE all day against 244 ! 2 years you sold I thought 20 presses, I bet it was more like 12.. that's what the guru can do for you! LOL
Everyone can buy direct from 2M the manufacters of the Mustang. You don't need to buy from Robert Barnes. It will be the same press at a fraction of the COST!
Re: Anatol?
Keep in mind he is talking about a feature that is likely used by a small shop, that can only afford a smaller press. Most "veterans" will have larger presses and even multiple presses.
I think its clear that if it can be avoided you would. I doubt his Vindicator owners are using that feature. But a Horizon owner might be all over that due to space or budget.
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Anatol?
Using a free standing flash in the unload position allows you to print max colors, flash and cool without any problems.
Re: Anatol?
Re: Anatol?
Genius! Had not thought of this!
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Anatol?
Same service since you would have to call 2m direct for any parts or service anyhow!
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Anatol?
After watching that video of the step back I would seriously suggest safety bars, that looks dangerous as hell if someone is not paying attention.
Re: Anatol?
I have heard of that before but man that must get warm as hell standing in that area after a while.
Re: Anatol?
Again not ideal, nor wise.
But when we are talking about small shops with small budgets these types of things will be happening.
Graphic Disorder
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Graphic Disorder:
Re: Anatol?
Re: Anatol?
Just to clarify, you load and unload at the load station. Maybe not ideal or wise to some but it allows you to maximize colors and flashes with no problems.
Re: Anatol?
When you print on carousel you have the flash close to you, done it on a sportsman 6 col and it makes life easy, not that hot, throw a fan down on the other side of you. I agree with VicB in that sooner or later this will cost you garments, maybe a screen and definitely half an hour. The emphasis using this is IF you time it right. Sooner or later it will bite you. Gilligan is totally right in that multi round if need be like revolver mode, just like you would printing by hand on a carousel where you go round and round in sequence. Nobody on carousel flashes back even when setting up or sampling. Maybe once, until you ever have the ink cure in the mesh to the print with the screen down. I would just do two rounds, doubt that it would be that much slower one more full revolution than stepping back eight times. Also easier to keep in the rhythm, time to walk around and check the ink etc. where I see flashback good is constant flow if you had a tiny drier that couldn't handle the flow, but that means also that under normal production it wouldn't keep up?
It may work for some, but it's not the killer feature I would make a purchase decision on myself.
Re: Anatol?
The more desperate this guy gets for a reaction (and the more he listens to Barnes) the more desperate his ridiculous diatribe gets.
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Anatol?
He had nothing to do with any of what I had said... I simply stated that you couldn't afford the down time others have experienced when dealing with the type of situation you were getting into.
YOU did not like the answers you were getting and turned on the people that you asked for help. That wasn't cool and that is when I tuned out because we have all seen this before.
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Anatol?
We do this! It works fantastically and allows you to optimize all printheads.:)
Call any or all three people below to see how Robert Barnes took money from them without delivering equipment!
Leon Monfort (760)802-6315
Jeff Saxby 563-593-4654
Andrew @ Printex EU 01148 668 136 652
Re: Anatol?
I also would sign an affidavits as needed, Alan. He is just trying to bully you, he is getting real desperate.
Re: Anatol?
Not once did I state what my choices were, there is where you took a wrong turn. I am including all and every machine in my search and not limiting it to one manufacturer. This seems to be the way I myself as a small business owner, prefers to conduct my business. For you to agree or (like) another post made by a clear M&R owner, stating that my business is a failing one, goes to show how much you appreciate this industry as a whole. The if your not running M&R your not a screen printer Bull sh*t is so completely ridiculous. I came here looking for information, not to get swarmed by cronies with M&R machines. Buy M&R or your an idiot right? Well I most likely will be the idiot. I could care less about the negative remarks made on this site and you could probably care less if I buy an M&R. So I guess were even.
Re: Anatol?
Why didn't you just say this at first! Your adgenda has been very clear
from the begining. You clearly have no intention listening to anything,
other than what you perceive to be true!