By eetherman on
Apr. 03, 2012
Ok, So many of you know that we are in the market for a new or used machine. Anatol has become a part in our search. What has caught my eye is the step back program. Is this feature all it is cracked up to be? Does anyone here run a newer Anatol with this option? Also what is the chances of premature servo failure, if any? Seems that this would be hard on the machine over a period of time? Once again any input is appreciated.
United States
Re: Anatol?
hello eetherman!
If you have that much time with a Javlin, why not get another Javlin!
No need to reinvent the wheel!
Trade Shows! I've been going 30 years and I always learn something.
but I realize that I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed! I just happen to
see and meet some really bright people! Thats all...
I have even run a machine or two myself!
Asking Questions? I do! But they usually say sir, thats way over my head
I have know idea what your talking about...They most of the time run away!
I thought thought the PLC is the heart,the program the brain, I guess the printhead is the arm ETC....
Have you seen a fair amount of machines blow screws and motors?
Every few years? They must run 24/7/365! OK!
An Anatol will do fine also! It is good to go with someone you know and trust!
Re: Anatol?
Here is the typical Blue Speech, if you try to print a t-shirt on any other brand of machine you will be out of business in 6 months, oh wait this guys who started the thread has been successful printing on a TUF machine for your, as a matter of fact so successful using his TUF that he is thinking about buying a new press :rolleyes:
Maybe he will buy one of the 8 color left over RPM Revolution presses, rumor has it they will be sold at an extremely low price to put an end to the RPM saga :eek:
Re: Anatol?
RICH, thanks for acknowledging the other MFGs. There are also plenty who don't make good machines, and we are all aware that buying a machine and installing is one thing, the next twenty years of production, resale, reinstall and production lifespan are also extremely critical in operational productivity cost and benefit. My question to you is who do you rate as the credible manufacturing competition around the globe who are in the top tier of automatic manufacturers that commercial shops could evaluate. Happy for you to leave any off that you don't think are not making good machines or risky to do business with. As a print shop we can all rate the shops in our own markets as competitors not just according to volume, but also quality and price and technical ability and it would be interesting to see who you rate around the world?
Thanks, Mike.
Re: Anatol?
I would agree, stick with the Jav if you like it.
Re: Anatol?
Winston, love your simplicity. I sometimes get too focused off track on smaller things and ignore the bigger things, but that's because I don't have the experience also. I believe forums are good in trying to hear experience and real-world history or knowledge instead of sales pitch. Don't get me wrong I still think talk to the MFGs or their agents, but evaluate a mix. I've been following Eethermans questions and answers and in all honesty many of them are questions I have asked previously too, I don't think they are passed on from Bob, I think they are fair questions to ask. Every now and then comes an answer that I think, wow, never thought about that, and how or why something does or doesn't work for someone given that all shops have different requirements and variables. Like the step back program, how much quicker is that than just going around twice. And what risk of ink drying in the mesh if it heats up too much doing print-flash-step.back-print. I don't understand the advantage of that, but I sure want to hear feedback and learn or understand anyway....
Likewise I also ask silly questions, get a completely logical answer that I just didn't guess and think DUH! Some can be very enlightening. Others I still don't understand and think "but why" or still don't get it.
Re: Anatol?
I'm in search of something more consistent if you will. Ive honestly been printing on Javelins for around 10 years now. Pneumatic is nice and durable, but I'm looking for speed I guess. Now as far as the servo I have seen failures on many occasions, but this was from typical wear and tear. Usually on machine well over 500-700 thousand imp. My concern was with the servo on the Anatols with the step back option. Having a consistent forward and reverse load on on it which the step back would have to have. You are also correct with the PLC or computer but mechanical failure is far more common than say the brains, again i'm making an assumption, I could be completely wrong.
Re: Anatol?
The whole going around twice to this day blows my mind. I've worked in multiple shops and honestly on small runs where a highlight is just another screen to setup. The Javelin is much faster. Longer runs waiting for the fback can be nauseating but when you buy say a 6 color you can always print 6 colors no cooling stations. I talk to Phil Ritz pretty regularly, I constantly nag him for not convincing the higher ups to either make a flashback for the Progressives or put chopper style squeegees on the Jav. Add a servo to the Jav and I wouldn't be here asking questions.
Re: Anatol?
I understand! Look at Progressive also if you are comfortable with them!
500-700 thousand imp is Nothing on a screw or swing servo! Thats breakin in
time! If you have seen that on a regular basis, than something is real wrong!
Only, if you are running 14c and up with large heavy pallets, to fast, then
you can have issues, but that is rare,unless you have a defect! Progressive
14c,16c have more issues than they should. I have replaced more than a few
Forget the 20c! Period. Anatols, actually have nice screws as well! Other
brands do as well but, we are talking about these two! If you go used my
favorite is the M&R Gauntlet 12 color and under machines! For the money
I wouldnt buy any new over that model. Air heads,ac heads it don't matter!
but to each his own.
Good Luck,
Re: Anatol?
That explains allot as far as failure goes, only servo machines I've worked on were Falcons over 14 colors.
Thanks, this is what I've been waiting for.
Re: Anatol?
Hi Eetherman, I've never seen the stepback running, but I see you looking at a ten colour. Take a run of thirty tees of white/cure/white and doing this with one screen. If you loaded printed, went around again printed and then unload and load again I can't see how this would be any slower than the machine flashing and stepping back then going forward. 30 times it goes forward flashing, stepping back, printing then going forward again. I would think flashing then going around would take the same time as stepping back with the advantage of you getting to cool down the shirt and not risk ink drying in the screen. Also getting too much heat on some synthetic materials. Sorry, but I just don't see the point in this feature no matter what size or format, or however many stations. All servos seem to be built differently and I would rely on Anatol to have built theirs so it could index both ways reliably. I quite like how the RPM / Mustang made theirs. Some machines drop the table then index then raise the table. the Mustang / RPM has a pin that locks into a hole and the machine indexes on the way down etc so it's able to go in a rounded U motion rather than a square motion. It was explained to me that this is a little faster and a little smoother. I'm no engineer, but I judge machines a little by how they sound and feel. If you can hear and feel shock with your hands on the machine and vibration or impact coming through the steel then it will likely wear faster, at would be a great advantage of Tradeshows where you can see, feel and hear all machines in one spot at one time and have them all explain their servos, how they work, service requirements etc.
Re: Anatol?
Hey Printwizard!
I like tons of questions as well. I dunno if questions were passed or not,
but the poster made statements which were vague, and leading sometimes.
I am not a fan of step back ,or revolving programs. It does give you options
in a VERY Limited Way, but I have never seen any printer, make any "decent"
monies with ANY of those type of programs. If the job was small I would print
manually, If it was large, BINGO sub it out! Focus on what makes money!
I would focus on Great screens,properly modified ink,correct size squeeges,
Level rubber blades,etc Run,Run,Run
Re: Anatol?
Your missing something alright. I have posted no hate for you. I just don't get you're puppet like antics. You understand, you ask the same questions, you react the same way, you defend your everymove as the others. Therefore you are grouped with them. I don't care if you buy M&R or any other brand. When you ask for advise, don't question everything. You then later say you know this and you know that, PRESTON thought he knew it all too....
"Keep the the ink moving and you make money..."
Re: Anatol?
OK ! I see your fear!
No Wonder!
Re: Anatol?
If you are thinking of purchasing any type of screen printing equipment, I highly advise you to stay clear of Robert Barnes from Spider Machines. He sells Printex,Mustang Printers and has several business fronts.
Since your purchase is going to be a very big decision, I recommend that you research Robert Barnes so that you can see for yourself, that he has not only stolen from printing companies, but has also sold equipment falsely advertised as well as not working properly, or not even delivered the equipment.
Below is a quick copy and past of a few members here on this forum that will honestly tell their story of how Robert Barnes has ripped them off. I suggest that you take a few moments to read it, and if you follow up by contacting these people, they will surely convince you not to do business with him or his company!
Robert Barnes goes by many alias' on this forum...more than can be counted.
Ask the following people on this forum about their experience with Robert Barnes, or private message me here!
pushingink I am the guy who you stole my 80k if ANYONE want to call me and discuss 563-593-4654 Jeff
Andrew at Printex EU (Andrews cell Number in Poland) 01148 668 136 652 This guys says that Robert Barnes owes Printex EU a lot of $$$
Call any or all three people below to see how Robert Barnes took money from them without delivering equipment!
Leon Monfort (760)802-6315
Jeff Saxby 563-593-4654
Andrew @ Printex EU 01148 668 136 652
Re: Anatol?
I don't think this has anything to do with the machine mentioned... it's the scripted method in which it was spoken about. Your manipulation is SOOOO transparent!
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Anatol?
Eee, You make no sense... I do ignore your post, I see you quoted in other post, then someone told me you posted something to me so I checked it out.
I have no information? I wrote at LENGTH with NO bias about your financial situation and what is best for you and your family even offered to discuss further via PM if you wanted. Yet, I give no information?!?! What a clown.
PW, is exactly right... step back is just as slow with more draw backs than a revolver and either one of them is probably just as slow as the flash back that you are whining about.
If you want to grow then grow and stop worrying about silly little bells and whistles for shops that can't afford to grow... clearly you are big timing it... do or get out of the way.
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Anatol?
The load on the servo from the Step Back Program is nothing to worry about. The Indexer is stopped before it moves either direction, so there's no additional load. Our servo indexer uses a lead screw to minimize the torque put on the system.
Paul Schmidt
Regional Manager
Workhorse Products
3730 East Southern Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Re: Anatol?
Step Back has a consistent work flow. The shirts come off the press at a steady pace. When you don't need it... the press runs at full speed.
Paul Schmidt
Regional Manager
Workhorse Products
3730 East Southern Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Re: Anatol?
Hey Baron, do you guys have a video showing the step back function. that would be interesting. Is it on all models, even trident or upwards?
Re: Anatol?
(insert true story about Rick Fuqua here)
Re: Anatol?
I'll check for a video. Last time I looked we didn't have one that did it justice. Now, with the Aries System you can have the number of strokes changes before and after the flash.
Step Back is available on the larger presses. Most large press owners want the maximum productivity they can get. Buy a couple extra print heads more than pays for itself in production.
Paul Schmidt
Regional Manager
Workhorse Products
3730 East Southern Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Re: Anatol?
Stop implying something bad about Rick... either say something or shut the f*ck up already! You have NOTHING and insinuation and rumor spreading is all you can do.
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Anatol?
Thanks Baron. Still have yet to see one of the presses up close in person, the new OS looks really cool.
Re: Anatol?
Here is a hint, what Rick did was more than $80k and M&R may have had a hand in it as well via another lawsuit that was dropped (starting to see a pattern here yet?)
Re: Anatol?
Again, either say something or shut the f*ck up already! You have NOTHING and insinuation and rumor spreading is all you can do.
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Anatol?
I have a few videos of step back working with a pneumatic indexer... :D
Anatol Titan
Anatol Titan Indexer
Brannon Mullins
Spot Color Supply
51 Aiken St
Cartersville, GA 30120
Re: Anatol?
I know my comments may seem harsh, hopefully it does to those who work for Anatol so that they realize the perception that is out there because I know I'm not the only one who feels that way. I think that the number 2 manufacturer here in the US can be a lot better, like there is plenty of room for improvement.
For someone who has no first hand experience w/ Anatol and is a supposed moderator(as in moderation?) you sure have a lot of stuff to say.
Re: Anatol?
Brannon Mullins
Spot Color Supply
51 Aiken St
Cartersville, GA 30120
Re: Anatol?
That's pretty cool.
Baron I have no doubt that it's effective for what it is... I'm just saying if you put pen to paper the revolver is probably a TOUCH "better" workflow wise. As stated it would give your shirts a chance to cool down allowing you to run it a bit faster vs a step back or flash back setup.
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Anatol?
Is this the part where Rick owes M2 100k for 2 presses? I talked to Mark at 2M and he is going to eat the 100k and still do business with RPM.
Re: Anatol?
I'm kind of curious on Anatol. I see some struggle down the track with maintenance parts and diagrams etc a few times. Like all companies, they evolve and the machine of ten years ago may be significantly different now not only in terms of build, but also the cuoture and support of the company who built the machine now may be managed and staffed much better or worse. Anatol is definitely a top manufacturer of global status and it would be knieve for any shop to discount or not investigate their models in making a purchasing decision. One curiosity that I have with them really also is that the second hand machines for sale on here and elsewhere don't have high impression counts that you may expect to see on similarly aged Rhinos, TAS or MnR models. Some of the Anatols I see second hand may be a 14 col with 300,000 impressions, but for a machine maybe eight years old you can see MnR with over a million on them, where I don't see Anatols with the huge impression counts?? Maybe they must aren't for sale because their owners are happy with them?
Eetherman, also like many manufacturers Anatol has a lot of models in the market, these will also be very different from an entry level to a top line model, so really your question should be more specific in terms of size, budget, models etc. the more specific the question, the more specific the answer that will help your decision making process.
Re: Anatol?
Alan is a dictator not a moderator, legal action will be taken shortly, send me a pm and I will explain the plan
BTW, he isn't Alan here, he represents SRI and its views as a company and the beauty of it is that his mother in law doesn't know the legal ramifications in the Great State of Texas and the lawsuit will be filed in the correct jurisdiction (unlike M&R's failed attempt)
Here is hoping that Alan's family has protected its assets in a way they can bankrupt out of the proceedings (if not, treble damages will be brutal)
Remember, M&R set this tread of legal action and the rest of us are just finishing the game they started (game on)
Re: Anatol?
Strange, Rick gets a pass, yet 244's enemy gets turned into the FBI :eek:
This rabbit hole goes pretty deep, the truth is slowly coming out, the coverup is always worse than the crime, tell us again how you didn't make a deal with the M&R team :confused:
Re: Anatol?
LOL... you got so used to talking to yourself on your 63 website that you now are doing it here?
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Anatol?
If you are thinking of purchasing any type of screen printing equipment, I highly advise you to stay clear of Robert Barnes from Spider Machines. He sells Printex,Mustang Printers and has several business fronts.
Since your purchase is going to be a very big decision, I recommend that you research Robert Barnes so that you can see for yourself, that he has not only stolen from printing companies, but has also sold equipment falsely advertised as well as not working properly, or not even delivered the equipment.
Below is a quick copy and past of a few members here on this forum that will honestly tell their story of how Robert Barnes has ripped them off. I suggest that you take a few moments to read it, and if you follow up by contacting these people, they will surely convince you not to do business with him or his company!
Robert Barnes goes by many alias' on this forum...more than can be counted.
Ask the following people on this forum about their experience with Robert Barnes, or private message me here!
pushingink I am the guy who you stole my 80k if ANYONE want to call me and discuss 563-593-4654 Jeff
Andrew at Printex EU (Andrews cell Number in Poland) 01148 668 136 652 This guys says that Robert Barnes owes Printex EU a lot of $$$
Call any or all three people below to see how Robert Barnes took money from them without delivering equipment!
Leon Monfort (760)802-6315
Jeff Saxby 563-593-4654
Andrew @ Printex EU 01148 668 136 652
Re: Anatol?
So it's my fault that people don't like you? You begged me to let you on this site, I did, and you don't like what people say about you so you need someone to blame. You want me to delete the bad things said about you, but you don't say anything about me leaving up all the crap you post, you can't have it both ways. I delete very little around here because I don't feel that it's my place to do so, and that includes both sides. So if you can't handle what people say about you here, then leave.
Re: Anatol?
Tell us how YOU didn't steal my 80k?? and by the way the persons that paid RPM for the 2 presses still got them even though Rick owed 2M. With you everyone's purchuse comes up short!
You better hope China works out, You won't be able to sell enough Mustangs to survive. After all these years you can't sell more than 20 presses in 2 years. tooo Funnnny!
Re: Anatol?
Don't worry Alan you have all the right in the world to allow whatever when ever that is posted to remain up ESPECIALLY if its the truth!
Let him sue you and be sure to counter sue for defamation of character and for accusing you of things like collusion, should be a slam dunk for you. And remember I am always available to sign and affidavits as needed, Robert knows that is fact.
Re: Anatol?
This is the typical Mustang blue threats, He must of got a down payment on a press or the auction money came in. Robert Barnes feels brave for a moment again. You see Alan as weak and are trying to come from that angle of threaten his business with legal action, go F U C K yourself Barnes. Alan is a fair moderator and guy. Your mad because you lost again as always to M&R.
China will not effect M&R as long as you are involved. You can't sell more than 20 presses in 2 years, after 20 years in the BUSINESS. Robert Barnes look, nobody is following YOU! LOL
Re: Anatol?
Ok, I scrolled back through what was posted. I do appreciate the information given. What I don't appreciate is the negativity because I spoke with someone you don't approve of. You labeled me right out of the gate. As i said before im searching for information and take the constructive stuff and use it in my decision. But the other stuff is useless. Sorry guess we started off on the wrong foot. Have a good Easter.
Re: Anatol?
Funny how I'm now responsible for what others have to say about a guy who has alienated himself from his peers because of his poor behavior. You don't see people speaking poorly about Rick, and if or when they do, the post remains. When Robert posts 50 times in less than 24 hours, I don't delete any of them. When Robert's opposition posts I rarely delete it either. Yeah, I've deleted a few posts and threads that had no relevance or that were innappropriate, but it's been on both sides and I sure as hell wasn't going to get into deleting all of Robert's posts and then leaving everyone elses. I have a full time job and I don't have time to sit on this site and pick and choose what gets deleted and what doesn't. That's what a public discussion forum is for, members post their opinions and how they feel, and it isn't my place to decide what should stay or go unless there is something innappropriate being posted. Truth be told, I've deleted more posts from Robert's opposition than I have of Roberts.
Re: Anatol?
I haven't seen many Anatols up for sale in almost a year here and I check about every day even though I'm not shopping for another one. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a used one with the step back feature as that's a fairly recent addition. As far as wear on the servo I would say no. Servos are designed to do work, doesn't matter whether they're pulling or pushing.
If you're shopping used, try to find a bigger Stratus or Trident with more heads and skip the whole step back idea and run shirts around the press once and be done. Good luck finding one! Seems like a year ago there were a couple a week on here.
Re: Anatol?
The Bumper is only here to google bomb, are you going to delete all his post or not?
If not, then let the google bombing begin against Rick Fuqua (at least the google bombing of RPM screwing 2M is actually real)
BTW, all of this could be avoided if you were even remotely unbiased a mod
This has been said many times on this site, establish some basic rules
No google bombing
No attacking businesses and people
No harassing posts
No signature lines filled with hate
No aliases like The Bumper
No personal attacks (c'mon Alan what does that say about you as a human being when you participate in the Fat Bob stuff?)
Here is the idea that Ted had that was great IMHO
set up section for each group, let them mod their section and post as much positive info as they want and if a hater pops in and trashes them they can delete (it's really that simple)
But, you and the Blie Crew don't want peace here on DigitSmith, you want this nonsense to continue
Think of it like this, if you continue with the no rules policy you have it will only get worse here
Establish Ru,es that are fair and balanced and you would be amazed at what DigitSmith could become
Re: Anatol?
I don't like the step back program, I personally think it's a bandaid for bad pre-press and should only be used in rare occasions. If you're thinking of buying a press because it has that feature then I think you'd be much better off hiring a consultant to come in and make sure you don't need to lean on something like that to get jobs out the door. As far as the feature itself, it's a great idea for a smaller 6 color press, but slows production down to a crawl. If you have a 10 color, that feature should never be used in my opinion. I'd much rather do a revolver type action than the step back, I think it would be quicker overall.
And as many of you know, I'm not the biggest fan of Anatol because of some of the conversations I've had with customers that have had service after the sale issues. I think the machinery is ok, nothing spectacular but better options than a lot of what is out there. There are a few areas where I'd like to see a little more beef on the press but I don't think the current mechanical heft of the machine affects the operation of the press in a negative way.
I also question the overall passion Anatol has for this industry. I think they were looking for a niche to get into and screen printing happened to be it. Maybe that has changed recently, but it always seemed like their place in this industry was simply a means to an end, and not driven by a passion to be in this industry. I think that I feel that way because of the service after the sale and the amount of turnover that I see within the company.
I know my comments may seem harsh, hopefully it does to those who work for Anatol so that they realize the perception that is out there because I know I'm not the only one who feels that way. I think that the number 2 manufacturer here in the US can be a lot better, like there is plenty of room for improvement.
Re: Anatol?
Your desperation reeks!
Re: Anatol?
Anatols are good machines! Servos are not an issue. Go to the DAX show at the end of this month in Chicago, April 27 I believe ,and check out any and ALL manufacturers,
first hand! The info you receive there,will help you decide in a much "wiser" fashion,
than on these boards. Hands on knowledge,beats Book Knowledge alot of the time!
Re: Anatol?
Hey, no one stole your money, go back and read the contract that your lawyer worked out, (it was posted here on digitsmith), your lawyer built a $40k clause in it, and there was a trade value of $20k, so that adds up to $60k already, now lets add in the cost of the lawsuit that was filed because of all the NASTY stuff that Barnes begged you to STOP writting
Even the "get Printex out of my shop" letter your attorney drafted had a $50k pay out minus the $20k trade value minus the $40k clause ends up being you owe Printex $10k
Have you ever considered that just maybe your playing both sides of this deal is what actually burned your a s s
Now let's discuss the real facts about your relationship with 244 (please continue)
The one thing about RWB is he has been very patient with your nonsense, he has let you vent and vent, but in the end we will all find out what has really been going on behind the scenes here :o
Re: Anatol?
Robert go f u c k yourself and your a s s STOLEN MY MONEY!!!
Re: Anatol?
The Step Back Feature is no different from flashing without it. If you flash on head 2, it doesn't matter if you print the next color on head 3 or head 1. Using the Step Back Feature offers you a steady flow of shirts off the press.
Paul Schmidt
Regional Manager
Workhorse Products
3730 East Southern Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Re: Anatol?
I've never called you Fat Bob and I don't like it when others do it, but again, I am not going to tell people what not to say about someone else.
I cannot and do not have the time to enforce those rules that I did make, which I think makes it pointless to make a set of rules. I've got a lot going on with the shop, and this forum does take a back seat to managing the screen printing stuff.
That list of rules you posted would be a good start, but really Robert, as much as you post here I cannot keep everyone off of you and that shouldn't be my problem. The main reason why it's a tad on the lawless side is because I don't feel like I should sensor anyone, including you. I'm for freedom of speech, I'm old school in that way. If I did feel that someone was being treated unfairly then the best I would do is speak up, not go straight for the delete button.
I would say I'm unbiased as a mod, but not as a person. I let most everything stand, good about you, bad about you, it stays for the most part. I had to delete a photoshopped picture of you the other day because it wasn't right, but you won't know anything about that, and there are plenty of other cases that will never be known.