Anatol Presses / Dryers / Screens and more

Ithaca, NY, United States

Selling off our Anatol presses, Vastex dryers, Lightspeed LED exposure unit, Screens, Inks anything screen print related from our shop.

We have:
Anatol Vector 10/9 press
Anatol horizon press
Vastex Dryer (x2)
Lightspeed LED Exposure unit
Ink (opened)

Various other supplies
Overstocked blanks from name brands (Gildan/Canvas/bella/Comfort colors/ Delta / Port & Co. / AND LOTS MORE)

We have T-shirts / Long sleeves / Sweatshirts (hoodie, Crew, Zip) / HATS AND MORE

If you are interested in any of these items, have any questions, or want more pictures please send us a message.

Pick up only

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