Anything new and exciting at ISS LB?

Prosperi-Tees's picture

Anything new and exciting at ISS LB?

Prosperi-Tees wrote:
Anything new and exciting at ISS LB?

M&R introduced the New Diamondback S Series Line of Presses along with the New I-Image Direct to Screen System and the Sidewinder Solo Series Manual Press Line. Check out all the details at

Rich Nesladek
Director Of Sales Western Division & Baja Mexico
M&R Sales & Service, Inc.
1 N 372 Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL. 60137
800-736-6431 Corporate
831-420-1390 Santa Cruz, California Office

Screen Printer's picture

RichN wrote:
M&R introduced the New I-Image Direct to Screen System me understand this.

You coat the screen normally?

Place the screen in a machine that inks the image directly to the emulsion

Expose....Then you wash out the screen.

No printing registering films...

Al you need is the part of the tri-loc that fits on the press.

Very awesome setup....

Tell me the price while I hold my breath...heheheheh?

if my plans fall right...I could see this down the road.

But one step at a time.

Prosperi-Tees wrote:
Cool from what I see the S series is a standard diamondback with the only change being a servo indexer? Is that right?

We've also increase production speeds and Independant print head controls. Nothing standard about this model.

Rich Nesladek
Director Of Sales Western Division & Baja Mexico
M&R Sales & Service, Inc.
1 N 372 Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL. 60137
800-736-6431 Corporate
831-420-1390 Santa Cruz, California Office

I like the sidewinder solo, match that with a super wide screen and a couple of all over pallets and floor stand. Yup, would love the possibilities that could offer.

Printwizard wrote:
I like the sidewinder solo, match that with a super wide screen and a couple of all over pallets and floor stand. Yup, would love the possibilities that could offer.

The Sidewinder Solo is also available with an optional vacumn pallet system. Great for printing transfers.
Check it out @

Rich Nesladek
Director Of Sales Western Division & Baja Mexico
M&R Sales & Service, Inc.
1 N 372 Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL. 60137
800-736-6431 Corporate
831-420-1390 Santa Cruz, California Office

I have an ATMA for transfers, but in time with a shift to bigger space I definitely want one of these, I had seen a similar in someone's shop custom made and drooled over it!!! It's on the shopping list!

nation03's picture

Do all the heads still chop if they aren't in use? I know the original diamondback does that, but I assume since the S is the next model up, they no longer do that.

-Jake Damis