An Artist....Introducing Myself

I'm pretty new to the Embroidery Business. However, I do have a 25+ year background in Commercial Art, mainly in the printing and publishing business. I'm learning to digitize for my Embroidery business, which my daughter and I are running together. We've had some fun moments and some frustrating moments. We are starting with PE-Design 6.0. There are lots of things the program can do, but we are finding the actualy embroidery sewn out less than what we had hoped for. We have (3) of the small format White 3300 and Simplicity SE3 Embroidery machines. I'm thinking that it must be the limitations of the machines that are causing the problem. Sometimes the designs we create sew out no problem and then other times we get complete jam ups with the threadd. Pulling our hair out! We are looking for a new or used Commercial Machine and hope this will be the answer to our problems. Anybody else in the same boat?

United States

Hi there Sue. I was in the same boat as you a couple of years ago when I started embroidery as a hobby that eventually turned into a home business for me and my husband. The software and machines you are using right now are made for hobbyists so the limitations you are saying are both in the software and machines, not just the machines. If you're serious about starting an embroidery BUSINESS, I highly recommend that you get professional equipment and software. Back then I was being hard-headed and thought my home machine and software will do just fine, but really deep inside I didn't want to upgrade to save money (so I thought). When my husband finally persuaded me into upgrading to a commercial machine and software, I truely realized how stupid I was for waiting so long. I realized that I wasted so much time and energy with my home machine & software and in the end I found out the hard way that I was actually losing money instead of saving money by not upgrading. There are so much advantages with a commercial machine and software.

Dear EmbLady and Candygirl,
Thank you both for your advice. I agree, Commercial machine is the way to go!!!! I have come to same conclusion, the Home Embroidery Equipment just isn't adequate for what I want to do, it's really slowing me down. I appreciate your input!