Atkins model #39658 "Donut" Thermoprobe 15' lead

Camden, SC, United States

Unit is in very nice condition, has new spare set of wires for donut, instructions and case. This is the only way to check your dryer for cold zones, also one of the best ways to test for cure temp on the substrate.

$200.00 freight included (domestic lower 48), price is firm, new model is $419.00. MC/Visa

Temperature Range: -112º to 1999ºF / -80º to 1100ºC
Temperature Accuracy: ±0.5F°/ ±0.3C° over entire measurement range at ambient temperatures from 68°F to 86°F (20°C to 30°C)
Resolution: Tenth Degree (0.1°)

Seritech Inc.

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