Various US Locations, WI, United States

Bidding is open now!!

3 - 14 Color 16 station M&R Challenger III model 110 Presses (Large Format)

4 - 14 Color 16 Station M&R Challenger II Model 5070 Servo w/AC Presses

3 - 12 Color 14 Station M&R Gauntlet II Servo w/AC Head Presses

1 - 10 Color 12 Station M&R Gauntlet II Servo w/AC Head Press

100's of Pallets, Squeegees and Flood Bars for M&R, Anatol, Progressive etc

Over 30 M&R Quartz Flash Cures

Several 60" & 72" M&R Sprint 2000 Dryers (including 2 split belts)

M&R I-Image 3 Head DTS Unit

Over 1000 Stretched Unexposed 23" x 31" Static Aluminum Frames

2016 Brown Firefly Triple Belt Instant On DTG or Direct Print Dryer

Kaeser Screw Compressors and Dryers

Turret Lift Trucks "Crown" and "Raymond" (plus order pickers , pallet jacks etc)

4 Head "Vector" Water Jet

This is the link to register and bid:

Seritech Inc.

There are 10 Comments

The last item the "Vectra II" water jet was used in this facility to cut appliques, much faster than a Laser. Two 4'x 4' cutting beds and four water jets. This unit is very fast at this application.

Seritech Inc.

Interested in some items, May not want to fly down to WI if they are small, Any contacts for someone to pack up items we may buy?

Information for rigging, loading and packing is on the auction website

ffokazak wrote:
Interested in some items, May not want to fly down to WI if they are small, Any contacts for someone to pack up items we may buy?

Seritech Inc.

This is not accurate, the machines are in outstanding condition. The maintenance was first rate, these machines have years and millions of prints remaining in their service life.

Seritech Inc.

More details regarding the general condition of the items:

The Wisconsin machines are in top condition and have been taken very good care of, these are about 90% of the items in the auction.

The Iowa items were in use three months ago for the most part, so should be ready for service.

The North Carolina items were operating when they were taken out of service and have been in storage for a couple of years, these also should be ready to go with.

Most the South Carolina items were purchased in package buys or taken in trade in on other machines, these are the most "condition unknown" items in the auction.

Inspections dates have passed, look the pictures over and make your decision with with the pictures at this point, all items are sold "AS IS". None of these items are sold with a warranty or promise of performance.

Seritech Inc.