automatic printhead cleaner solventjet & eco printer

United States

Automatic printhead cleaner , preseve your prints, cleaning every month with this machine will remove all clogged heads, all eco solvent & solvent printer.

Automatically Clean your Print Head, LCD panel indicated Each step of the procedure. Pulse Jet and Ultrasonic Running in the Same time. Develop the cleaning job dramatically.Suitable for most of the Print Head in today's market. Such as XAAR126、128、KONICA,Seiko etc.


Email me or call me for more info 416 876-1933

There is 1 Comment

Jay where is my printer I paid you for?! :confused: The Summa DC4. Stop ignoring my phone calls, stop ignoring my emails, and get back to me ASAP!!


Anyone wanting to purchase anything from digitalpixel, I would highly suggest you rethink that; unless you would like to have your money stolen from you and receive nothing in return except a lot of grief and ignored emails and phone calls. :mad: