Baby Lock BMP6 used asking $1000.00 OBO
I have a BMP6 that I bought about four years ago and have not used hardly at all since then. THIS MACHINE NEEDS SPECIAL CARE, not in working status it been inactive for long time however last technical review was 6 month ago. Let me know if you want to see more, this is a unique offer !!!!
Included in the price is:
*The machine
*4 set of hoops and extra needles
*30+ spools of thread (some used a little more than others)
*7 in 1 hoop system a great deal.
* Software
*25,000 Dakota collection and bernina Collection.
The offer "as is" I have decided not to proceed with the repair, if you want to use for part is good option however is reparable.
Alexie Rivera
6202 Old Franconia Rd suite A
Alexandria VA 22310
There is 1 Comment
Re: Baby Lock BMP6, $1,000.00 Firm
Is this machine still available? Could pick up this weekend