By warrencr on
Feb. 13, 2011
Can anyone tell me the difference between the Babylock BMP 6 and EMP 6 machines and about how long they have been around? I am thinking of buying one and dont know much about them.
Re: Babylock machines
i think they are the same , and same as the brother PR 600 .
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Re: Babylock machines
A babylock EMP6 has a floppy disk reader to put your designs in.
A babylock BMP6 has a USB port for a memory stick to put your designs in .
Other than the inputs, they are the exact same machine.
Re: Babylock machines
EMP6 machines are older model, I have a BMP6 and like it alot, although now I'd like to get the new 10-needle from Babylock.
Re: Babylock machines
Same machines, Brother/Babylock are exactly the same machine, different assembly plants, they have internal software differences, and the QC is a bit heavier on the Baby Lock side, and you will pay for that.