By tshirtguy on
Jan. 21, 2014
Boston MA
United States
For Sale
1996 Barudan 906 YS with Beat System, fonts, and hoops.
6 Head / 7 Color
Machine hasn't been used in 4 years.
It is stilling functioning but will need to be tuned up , or can used for parts.
This machine was a work horse and was NOT used in a contract shop.
Located in New England
Price $3500.00
Email if interested, pictures on request
There are 2 Comments
Re: Barudan 906YS Embroidery Machine
can you send me pictures?
Re: Barudan 906YS Embroidery Machine
Pictures are attached, please let me know if I can answer other questions.
Where are you located and have you operated this type of machine ?
Thanks Rod
800 915 2525