Beginner Screen Printing

I was wondering if the kits that website supply such as silkscreensupplies would be a good start-up kit it gives all the chemicals/cleaners/emulsion for 130$ good deal?

Greg hamrick's picture

That kit looks like it would frustrate the urge to screen print right out of ya. Your going to need something to hold the screen while you print, so I suggest you go the extra $120 and get the next package up. For $250 it looks like you'll have a better time at learning to print than with the other deal...which is no deal if you ask me.
Keep in mind that those starter packages won't let you do much detail work. Small half-tones and super fine lines are going to be next to...if not totally impossible. Can't say that the heatgun is a great idea for curing ink, but I've known of people that has used them with some success. The main thing will be printing.
Also...Do you have a computer printer for making your film positives, or negatives? What about software?


At the edge of dreams lay the far-flung ideals of true creation.

JuBilee's picture

If I'd have known that it was that easy to get into screenprinting I never would have spent $60,000 on all the equipment in my shop.:D

It will get you started but it won't get you far.

Matt McNeill

JuBilee Screen Printing
& Embroidery

Celebrating 20+ years in business!!!!!

If you have any questions, feel free to pm, email, or call me.:D

Greg hamrick's picture

There's the nut in a shell, Matt. You spent enough to make printing anything a easy process. I spent about half that much to start with and in a matter of two years I was spending that much or more for equipment just to keep up with the orders. But I already knew how to screen print and I'll bet you did too.

But for all you folks that don't have that kind of dough to start-up. Buying those little packages will only frustrate you to the point that you won't want to print anymore, if your trying to make a business out of it. They are fine for a hobby where your only going to do something for a friend or yourself, but you just can't get production out of them.
You can learn a few basic skills and I mean a few and then you can look forward to spending at least $10.000 to $12.000 on equipment and a small space to have a dark-room, a wash-out room and your printing area.
That's enough to get you started right and to give you production so you can make a living and dream about those big orders and the big equipment to do them on.
So, Calaman, you can take it from Matt and me that your going to have to spend the cash to get a good foot-hold in the business, but that does not mean that you can't start with one of those so called packages and learn a few things that will help you out in the long run and get you pointed in the right direction.

Best of luck to all.......Greg

At the edge of dreams lay the far-flung ideals of true creation.

JuBilee's picture

I will admit that all that money has been spent over 16 years (just the screenprinting stuff, not to mention the $35,000 for embroidery over the last 2 years). We did start with a small shop and a meager $10,000 investment and have grown every year since we opened our doors. We have grown from Mom and Pop to Mom, Pop, Brother and Sister plus one.

I don't want to discourage you from starting your own business but I will remind you of the old addage:

"If it sounds too good to be true, then it is."

Matt McNeill

JuBilee Screen Printing
& Embroidery

Celebrating 20+ years in business!!!!!

If you have any questions, feel free to pm, email, or call me.:D