By minimalist on
Feb. 22, 2012
I'm using an external hard drive to save my designs. Should I be doing something different?
I'm using an external hard drive to save my designs. Should I be doing something different?
Re: Best way to save embroidery designs?
Drop box for jacket back big designs
Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try
Re: Best way to save embroidery designs?
Best is to use gmail :)
use your e-mail account. make new account to save all designs. Best way
where ever you go you can get designs easily.
Affordable and Perfect Embroidery Digitizing.
Re: Best way to save embroidery designs?
Your most valuable assets are customer data, embroidery files and customer artwork. We provide free automated backups and an access anywhere web-based platform. Using means you'll never lose another file or pay to redigitize a logo for a repeat customer.
"A simple web-based process for outsourcing embroidery digitization"
Embroidery Digitizing Service --
Re: Best way to save embroidery designs?
We use Hosted Servers and Upload all the design there, that way you can access it from anywhere in the world you go. You can send others the design with simple link.
:confused: Embroidery Digitizing Visit
:) Satisfied more than 800 customers, Take a **NO** risk trial
Re: Best way to save embroidery designs?
an hard disk has mechanical parts.
can be problems anytime.
use also CD,DVD,SSD etc. to have two or more copies
Re: Best way to save embroidery designs?
Also you could save your files at an online storage facility... free ones like Xdrive or gDisk... or ones you pay a fee to like or . Google search saving to The Cloud and you will find other alternatives that will provide managed backup services for you that you set up once and they take care of it daily! The point is losing a computer or cds, or any hardware that can either crash or be destroyed by wind, fire or water should NO LONGER be a reason for losing any data that you would like to keep... from family photos to important personal and business records to even your scrapbook!
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Best way to save embroidery designs?
we use dropbox
Powerstitch Design Studio
$7.50 for L/B or Cap Logo
Re: Best way to save embroidery designs?
Hi, you can use Google drive to save your embroidery design's for quick access without any hassle. It is one of the best method to store data online.
Dreamish Digitizing
Re: Best way to save embroidery designs?
I think am late to answer but now a days google drive or cloud drive are the best to store you data.
Love to get more with digitizing for embroidery <3 :) :)