Blank LCD touch screen

If this is in the wrong please accept my apology. I could not find a really suitable one. I have a Brother Innovis 4000D embroidery/sewing machine. Everything has worked fine until today. I turned the machine off for about six hours today after embroidering for 1-2 hours. When I turned the machine back on the LCD touch screen was blank with a continuous intermittent beep. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

jr_sanford's picture

Try unplugging the machine from the power... let it sit for 5 minutes, then plug it back in, turn it on.

Does that help?

J.R. Sanford
Production Manager
NW Awards
185 NW Chehalis AV
Chehalis, WA 98532
(shop) 360-748-7346
(cell) 360-880-6384

Cast aside your limitations;
And you shall be boundless!

ACD's picture

Good suggestion! Also, did you leave a USB connection of any type (loose)? Remove all attachments, i.e., pedal (if using it), USB connections of all types, and... if using the embroidery attachment,remove and close portal. In other words, isolate the machine totally then turn it off... wait a half-minute or so, and then turn it on, ok? I have one also, and proceeded as stated above, and the problem was solved! Good Luck!

:) :)