Bobbin Thread break message

I know this is a novice question, but I can't figure it out. I keep getting a bobbin thread break message, but the thread is not broken. Is the tension too tight? It does not seem to be, but I am not certain. How do I determine the problem??

Edward Richter wrote:
I know this is a novice question, but I can't figure it out. I keep getting a bobbin thread break message, but the thread is not broken. Is the tension too tight? It does not seem to be, but I am not certain. How do I determine the problem??

This error message usually comes up when you don't have the thread wrapped around the thread break sensor post in the thread path.

Edward Richter wrote:
I know this is a novice question, but I can't figure it out. I keep getting a bobbin thread break message, but the thread is not broken. Is the tension too tight? It does not seem to be, but I am not certain. How do I determine the problem??

If the thread path stuff is all good, and it stops on ALL NEEDLES, you need a new tension base card or the sensor in the tension base. I hope it's not that...