Brother 901 embroidery package

United States

Perfect start-up home business! Everything you need to get started immediately.

[I]2005 BROTHER 901 EMBROIDERY MACHINE W/TABLE EXTENSION[/I].... can view features and specs at

Package includes: halogen work lamp, laser light alignment attachment, full set of hoops (2 each of 7,10,13,16,230x280mm,480x300mm), full setof Fast frames with clamp, hat driver with clamp and 2 rings, Hooptech clamping system (small, large, and caps), Hoopmaster w/ 13 and 16 frames, BE100 software with true type fonts, WingsXP auto-digitizing software, Monogram Wizard Plus, Dakota Collectibles Treasure Chest w/ sizer, Stahl's embroidery express sew files (great for applique' and sport uniforms), large assortment of Sylko thread (over $500 value), bobbins, large rolls of medium stabilizer, gallon of machine oil, survival kit extra needles, applique' iron
Machine is in excellent condition!
Great Deal for $19,000!!