Brother BES 1240BC - 2004 - $13,750.00 w/Digitizing Software

United States

Brother BES 1240BC - 2004 - $13,750.00 w/Digitizing Software

2 - 7 mm
8 - 10 mm
8 - 13 mm
8 - 16 mm
8 - 230mm x 240mm
8 - 300mm x 280mm
8 - 300mm x 430mm
8 - cap frames and mount
Hoop Master and frames for hoop sizes: 10, 16, 13, 230 x 240 and 300 x 280mm (this one I purchased for jacket backs and was not part of our original package)
freestyle base and arms for 10, 13, 16mm sized hoops

BES - Digitizing w/Editing and lettering
Corel Draw 12
Dakota Collectables Designs 2004 cd/catalog
2 Dell computers (1 for operating system and the other for digitizing)
This machine was used in a franchise operation and used for only small orders
Excellent Condition
90 Day warranty

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