By shadecomike on
May. 29, 2012
United States
I have a 2007 Brown 6/8 with flash. Machine is in good working condition. The machine is currently in storage. Lallets and arms are currnetly unbolted. Had to close up shop. pictures available upon request. Its ready for pick up. $7500. cash. you can reach me at 843-616-1087. I also have a nice 36 x 50 Lawson expusure unit. will hold 2 31" screens. Has vacume table wihnew blanket. Would take 8500. for both. Thanks for lookimg. Really wandte to got thid uu and runung. My partner bACKED ME BUT LEFDF BVEFOR
There are 3 Comments
Re: Brown 6/8 Electraprint
Is it still available??? Very interested...Thanks
Re: Brown 6/8 Electraprint
I am very interested. Sent a PM. I will call you tomorrow.
Re: Brown 6/8 Electraprint
We would like to see the pictures and any other information you can give us.Kent Johnson,605.371.1772,BD Promotions,SD