Brown Slider Numbering System $2500 OBO

Poughkeepsie, NY, United States

We bought this new and it was used for one week .... screen printer didn't like it. Local pickup or ship at your expense. or call 1-845-518-7317

Numbering System

An athletic numbering system designed with the mid sized printer in mind. The Slider gives you the ability to print 2 color numbers, teen numbers and sponsor names with ease and profitability while only needing a 2’ x 4’ area. The system includes the following items.

Standard Features:

• 2 Box o’ Numbers. 40 single digit frames
• 1 Box o’ Numbers. 16 double digit frames
• Built in Flash with temperature control.
• Glass platen that never warps.
• Unique 3 position indexing permits double digit printing in one screen load.
• 1 artwork CD-ROM. This includes 4”, 6”, 8” & 10” 2 color athletic block.
• Can be used as a 1 color printer

Slider SL-21
Length/width/height 36" x 48" x 66"
Shipping Weight 300 lbs
Power Requirements 120V, 15A

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