Buyer beware?? Scammed on a Auto Press??

I am usually a silent observer on here but need to know some peoples opinions.

So I just bought a used Tuf auto on here the other day. I went to inspect it and everything looked legit. I was told the press was in good order and ran. The press was broke down except for 2 heads that were left up for display. No problem. I thought that I got a good deal for what I was offered. Asked him if there was anything about the press I should know. He said no. Paid the man and loaded the press onto a box truck and brought it home.

As soon as I was unloading it I needed to get it into a freight elevator and went to remove the 2 heads that were still on it. First one came off no problem.To my suprise I came to find out the other head was welded to the press!! To top it off the welds were spray painted black to match the head and was easily overlooked. I called him to ask about this he got defensive and told me the previous owner did it. When I asked why he didn't tell me he responded "Well you inspected it and had nothing to do with the press being able to run"

Am I just crazy for wanting what I was told? What can I do if anything legally. I would not have bought the press if I had known this. Is it deceptive (if not outright shady) to not disclose the "issue" to me or bad business?? He keeps insisting that the head being welded on and not telling me about it was a non issue. Please advise.... Thanks!!

United States

They are all built that way, I don't think you were scammed. The seller likely thought you knew this and decided it didn't need to be mentioned.

I would not cut the head loose, if at all avoidable. If their is no way around removing the head, you should consult with the guy that you will use to re-weld it prior to cutting it loose.

Seritech Inc.

I wouldn't remove it, its just one head and a good chance is they welded it because its the head used for white mostly and with the weight of the flashback and extreme pressure from the v squeegee a weld helps. I even considered it when we had a Javelin, or at the least putting a stand on the front of the print head.

spotcolorsupply wrote:
No.... The first head mount location is welded. The head should be removable. It is shady, but if the rest of the press is ok, I wouldn't worry about it.

That's what I meant.

If he means it is welded where the arm separates from the mount that doesn't mean anything is bad, could have been done to lock in to a permanent position, or the inner studs where snapped some how. A javelin is a tank chances are the press is fine.

The head is not removable from the press. It is welded directly to the press with no way to remove it except to cut the weld. I just am sketchy to cut a weld and open up a bigger can of worms so to speak. Not to mention the fact that the guy said he knew about it and never bothered to tell me till after the fact and got the press back to my place. All I expect is people to be upfront. If this was done to "lock in to a permanent position" for registration reasons that what he needed to say. Not get defensive and tell me I am out of luck next time..
Dirty pool old man......

ya doesnt really seem like there's a problem here makes it more sturdy maybe harder to move, but if ur machine still prints tshirts like its supposed to do and you got a good deal then your fine.