Buying new manual which one??? Please help

Buying a new manual press which one do i buy....

Anatol thunder
mach workhourse
vastex 2000

please let me know what you think about these machines.


United States
Ghostwork Ink's picture

Out of personal experience i'd go with the Vastex if you're looking for a press that'll last you a long time. Their presses are heavy duty and will always hold reggie if you keep the press in good shape. Not to mention Vastex probably has one of the best customer service teams in the game.
For a runner up i'd go with the Anatol; The Thunder is an okay press, but i wouldn't rank it over a V2000.
As far as WorkHorse goes, I wouldn't buy one personally.

I'd watch some YouTube videos of all 3 presses, see what one appeals the most, check out the features and the warranty if you're buying it new
