Buying a new vinyl cutter

I am kind of new to this. But I bought a 53" USCutter and its just to big. I was looking to buy another smaller one.

I know these have the same specs. But is the other worth more for what comes with it? And will it work with signblazer to? that all I know how to use to cut the vinyl. Would realy like a new one though. I would realy just want a 24" one but it dont come in that size. And only got around 300$ to spend.

Prosperi-Tees's picture

5ton wrote:
I am kind of new to this. But I bought a 53" USCutter and its just to big. I was looking to buy another smaller one.

I know these have the same specs. But is the other worth more for what comes with it? And will it work with signblazer to? that all I know how to use to cut the vinyl. Would realy like a new one though. I would realy just want a 24" one but it dont come in that size. And only got around 300$ to spend.

I would caution against cheaping out on equipment. I have been thru 2 cheap vinyl cutters in less than a year. The least expensive cutter I would recommend would be the GCC Expert 24 and they run about 450

Sulp's picture

^^ What he said...Better to have NO cutter and save up for a while then to buy a cheap POS that is going to cause you more headaches then anything else. You have to spend some money when you buy equipment.

^^ Even good cutters give you headaches, I can't imagine how frustrated we would be with a cheap one!

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."