CAMFive CFHS-HT1502 Commercial Embroidery Machine

Los Angeles, ca, United States

This machine is a late 2019 model and was barely used by the original owner. The table top and monitor still have the original plastic wrapping on them. Well maintained and kept indoors at business location. There's no scratches and everything still looks as if it's a new machine.

We're the lender selling this as our customer had to close their business during pandemic and returned their machine to us and we can offer financing to the new owner if requested (On Approved Credit)

We are including all accessories that came when first purchased, such as the voltage regulator, stand, hoops, Wilcom software etc. We have all original paperwork if requested showing everything that came with the machine.

Available for free local pickup in Los Angeles, CA (preferred)

$12,000 OBO

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Tim R.
Sunset Financial Group

Tim R. Rahmanian
Sunset Financial Group, LLC
5757 W. Century Blvd., Suite 812
Los Angeles, CA 90045

Office (310) 636-1133, ext. 101
Fax (310) 736-2211
Direct (424) 625-8201 *

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