CAMS 1V-6P "Old Style" Machine
Six color or size Rhinestone Transfer Machine. Great Condition! Purchased in 2013 as a refurbished machine. Includes 8 plates: 3 SS 6, 2 SS 10, 1 SS 12, 1 SS16, 1 SS20.
Compressor/Dryer Combo: $3,500
Entire Business (including all machines and software): $15,200
Reason for Sale: My husband is being transferred for work and I need to sell my business. We are moving to Europe and the machines cannot go with us. I have a small rhinestone T-Shirt Company that is perfect for anyone looking to get into the industry with a small investment. My machine is older, but that has kept my costs down and allowed me to be profitable. It's a perfect garage business.
If you are interested in more than the machine, the entire business is for sale. I must have the equipment moved by 10/31 but I am available through December for coaching/training/help with sales if you are interested. The business is for sale at $15,200. Price includes CAMS Machine/Compressor and Dryer/Software/Training/Inventory and my help getting started. I would love to see someone take it to the next level!
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There are 2 Comments
Re: CAMS 1V-6P "Old Style" Rhinestone Machine
Hello My name is Charnette Cade,
Is this machine still for available?
Re: CAMS 1V-6P "Old Style" Rhinestone Machine
I am interested as long as you have customer base I can look at your setup I am thinking to start something from home and move into a store front business