CamSpray 1500A Pressure Washer Review

Over the last few years reading up on forums I've heard many talk about how good the Camspray 1500A pressure washer was. Decided to try one.

Wanted to report an opposite experience with this unit. 1.5 years after purchase with moderate use 3-4 hrs max daily the pump has failed. One year warranty on the pump.

And an important note, the pump on this unit is NOT SERVICEABLE. This is essentially a throw away unit priced @ $700

Honestly I will be going back to the Karcher or other cheapo units because as far as my memory serves we have gotten more life for less out of the cheapo units. I've had a couple Karchers go over 2 years before breaking with the same usage at one third the price.

Live and learn.

United States

I went through a lot of the cheapo electric pressure washers before I bought an AR-630 Hot model by AR North America. The pump is easily serviceable and parts are found cheaply all over the internet. After 2 years mine stopped spraying. I called AR tech support and they walked me through a lot of troubleshooting and it came down to bad valves. They were $30 online and the replacement took less than an hour and has worked like new ever since. I have mine hooked to a separate hot water heater and it cleans screens like you wouldn't believe. I highly recommend the AR-630.