Cap embroidery Machines

Is there a small cheap embroidery machine that just does different kind of hats???? i want to start off with that first.

What do you mean by Cheap? what is your budget?
I dont think you will find any used machine for less than $4000 that has a cap attachement.

:eek: Almost 12000 satisfied customers enjoying just half the price. :eek:

I have never come across a machine that does hats only. Most machines have attachments that will do hats, flats, etc.

All machines are basically manufactured with "Flat Beds", idealy to do embroidery on garments or cloth. Some of these machines are capable to use "Attachments" to enhance the functionality of the machine. Cap attachments are used to do embroidery on caps.

Make sure you buy a machines along with the right cap attachment manufactured by the same company. If you buy a machine without an attachment and then search for an attachment for that particluar machine, you might end up sellling the machine. Just make sure cap attachments are available for the machine you buy !

Good Luck !

:eek: Almost 12000 satisfied customers enjoying just half the price. :eek:

We're pretty new to all this but my sister has a Brother PR600 WITHOUT a cap attachment. Despite that she still produces embroidered caps. As long as the cap is not too rigid, you can use the supplied hoops. I'm dubious but she seems to get away with it.
Any comments?


Yes you can make embroidery on caps that are basic adn have the front part without ant seams. It is a bit hard to attach a 5 panel or 6 panel cap on a hoop, some people manage to attach them as well.

The best option is the cap attachment which makes life very easy.

:eek: Almost 12000 satisfied customers enjoying just half the price. :eek:

Thanks for confirming that. I agree it makes more sense to buy the cap attachment but I think I'll carry on until I've covered the £700 I need. Shouldn't take long.

JuBilee's picture

Just to let you know, if you haven't already figured it out, caps are NOT easy. I bought my machine intending on doing hats and wanted to make sure that I could embroider everywhere on them. Now I have 4 other embroiders sending people to me to do hats because they don't want to. Some hats are easier than others, and for the most part, no 2 sew the same. That is not the easiest way to get into embroidery.

PS: ALWAYS get more hats than you need to produce. It never fails, something stupid will happen and you will bust 1. Plus it gives you something to practice on every once in a while. Hats aren't like flats where you can just throw 2 sheets of backing on the machine and do a sew out.

Matt McNeill

JuBilee Screen Printing
& Embroidery

Celebrating 20+ years in business!!!!!

If you have any questions, feel free to pm, email, or call me.:D

JuBilee wrote:
Just to let you know, if you haven't already figured it out, caps are NOT easy. I bought my machine intending on doing hats and wanted to make sure that I could embroider everywhere on them. Now I have 4 other embroiders sending people to me to do hats because they don't want to. Some hats are easier than others, and for the most part, no 2 sew the same. That is not the easiest way to get into embroidery.

PS: ALWAYS get more hats than you need to produce. It never fails, something stupid will happen and you will bust 1. Plus it gives you something to practice on every once in a while. Hats aren't like flats where you can just throw 2 sheets of backing on the machine and do a sew out.

Man, I can second this. I learned this the hard way. As said, you need to use different hooping techniques for different type caps. It is alot of trial and error if you don't have someone with experience to guide you. There is alot of colateral damage on your inventory at first. Be prepared to eat some hats.

I totally agree with you Jubilee.

I would also recomend finding a good digitizing company who would digitize the designs very well to suit caps. Make sure you ask your digitizer that the design you ordered is for CAPS.

Normally a design made for cloth/garment will not work well on a CAP.

:eek: Almost 12000 satisfied customers enjoying just half the price. :eek:

You need to check with an embroidery company in your area and see how it is done. JuBiLee is right on the money! Hats are difficult. If not digitized properly it will be a nightmare, and financial loss. Even losing 1 hat at a time can add up at the end of the month. I suggest you do flats first to get the hang of it before even considering hats. You need to rethink the cheap machine that does hats. It will never give you professional results. I have a toyota one head that does flats and hats. I hated doing hats on it and it is a good machine. I payed new over 13,000. Good luck finding one for less then a 1,000.

Doing embroidery on caps is not simple, but it can be well done if you know how to do it.

Make sure that you run the embroidery right from the bottom middle of the front side of the caps where the joint is. Starting point is very important here. From that bottom middle start point, then you can go on to the left/right or the top side of the embroidery.

You also have to pay attention to the garmetn type that you use. If it is thin, you should use 0.6-0.5 mm density, if it is medium use 0.5-0.4 mm density, and if it is thick use 0.4-0.3 mm density. So make sure you do the digitizing right.

If you want to create deluxe caps with thick garment and thread, I use 0.2mm density in my digitized design and foam to help creating the 3D effects. I'm pretty sure the caps will look really really good!!! I've done this all the time and customers are happy with the result.. :D

I post some pictures to assist you in this matter, click here:

Embroidery Digitizing Service
Download our sample files at
US$ 1.5/1000 stitches
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Experience since 1995

streamland wrote:
Is there a small cheap embroidery machine that just does different kind of hats???? i want to start off with that first.

Yes, there is single head embroidery machine HFII-C901 which can do embroidery on CAPS/T-shirts etc. It's a multifunctional machine with easy operation and competitive price.

Any query, pls take free to contact with us :D


I heard Tajima machines are especially good for cap embroidery.
Should be something to do with the way their hoops work that
make people say it's good. Also the way of color change on the machine is a plus.