CAP Question

Worn Id's picture

Hi guys!

I have a Q.

What is the best and easiest way to stitch out the back of a cap... OVER the opening AND on the strap. We have a customer asking, we have told them we might not be able to do it, but will try.

I have just general hoops, the smallest being 5.85 inches and of coarse our cap hoop.
Any suggestions???

Laurie :)


The easiest way to stitch one cap back is to make a very sound investment of a clamp system ...For a multi head machine or If you do not have a clamp, than undo the buckle on the back of the hat, and hoop it with a reg 15mm hoop. (I place the arched seam of hat at about 3/4 of the way down.)I usually set my tearaway backing under the hat once its on the machine. As long as the design has been made within the paramiters of the hoop, resting the needle down on the center seam and the top seam of the arc should give you perfect placement. The program I digitize my text with, the letters start at the bottom so I can tell if the stitching will run off the hat or not by the first letter of the word. Its very hard to explain without seeing it!! I can send a pic to your email. LOL...

The strap is a lot more difficult. It can be done with some very good stitch adhesive and patience. (a good kind of spray is 505, it doesnt gum up needles) I would find something similar to practice on first. I always try to discourage the customer from getting the straps embroidered becasue I find them very frustrating and the extra location price is really not worth the price of replacing the hat if I do mess up. This is the situation where the clamp comes in handy. They use the clamps for belts and leashes and all sorts of cool stuff....
The only way I have gotten the regular hoop to work is to hoop a piece of tearaway. Then adhere the strap with the spray adhesive. to the backing. Somestimes it will stay and sometimes it will bounce. Run the machine slowly, and make sure you can take out the stitches if you have too. Good Luck.

Worn Id's picture

thanks for your advice... I actually tried hooping with the 15mm hoop yesterday and got it to work pretty good. I wish I could get it a little closer to the opening, just have to play with the placement while hooping and move it a little once in the machine.
My boss is looking into getting me a clapping system... because this customer also wants the side of the hat and although I know I am supposed to be able to do it with my cap hoop system, I am barely comfortable using it to sew the FRONT of my cap! :P
I have opted to NOT do the strap... atleast at this point and time.

Actually to be honest, this job scares me because we have had our new machine 3 weeks, have NEVER done caps before now, and I have an over 60 cap order that will be due in a couple weeks! They want 1-2 dozen this Friday!! Even my 7yo asked me why I didn't practice more before I did such a big order! :P

So I will hope and pray for the best... thanks again for the advice, I will let you know how it all turns out! :)



If you can stay with the 15cm hoop you will better off, IMHO. I have a clamp system that does sides and backs, and the clamp as I am sure you know allows more flagging. We have always had great results using the hoopmaster on back.

Good luck

Sew Fine Designs