CCI Dip-N-Strip Dip Tank

Houston United States

I have a DST-1 Dip-N-Strip dip tank from CCI. This is a nice heavy duty tank with a lid and a catch tray for under it. Sized for automatic screens, includes upgraded ball valve instead of stock one. Includes hold-down arm.

Pickup only - Houston, TX

Very lightly used prior to closing my print shop.

$125 firm. These are $200 new. This one is in new condition.

There are 4 Comments

joeriog wrote:
Hi, is the dip tank still available?

It is. Please send me a private message. I just happened to see this but I normally don't see replies to posts. The default is that it only emails you for private messages on here in case you are messaging other sellers.

This item is pickup only because it's bulky shipping would be stupid expensive.