Challenger 1990 10 Color NEEED HELP

Hey Guys,

So i have a 1990 Challenger 10 Color 12 station and for the past two months we have not had it running. Now we have hooked it up to a brand new 10hp compressor and the machine just does not run right at all. The biggest problem seems to be that the indexer begins to travel back before the pin can lock in forcing me to run the machine in double index. The same thing is happening with a lot of the heads where they begin to travel back before the pallet has even lifted.

It seems like all the valves are leaking / sticking is there anything i can do here or am i stuck replacing all the valves in the machine?

Any help at all is greatly appreciated.

United States

sourcescreen wrote:
Video is posted

What I don't get is, It is almost 24 hours since you posted this thread and so far the only person that responded to the thread is The Evil Man that is all the way in China.
Where the hell is the blue team when you need them?
As you can see, they are here for one reason, to bring down this Evil Man.
Has the blue team tried to help you? I would bet no.
They will let you fight it, then once you pulled out your hair and decide to call them for a tech, they will politely bend you over but forget to use the vasoline.