Cold ink sucks...what do you do?

So my shop is not heated and now its getting colder the ink is getting thick!

What do you guys do?

I figure my options are

1. microwave 15 or 20 seconds---yea I know it can cure the ink, but it sure helped today
2. heat the shop---not looking forward to that electric bill
3. Stir the ink even more-----My arms are tired now---maybe an electric drill?
4. build a cabinet and heat it-----this doesn't seem to bad
5. add even more reducer---but what will my inks be like when it warms back up?

Give me the good bad and ugly :)

Binkspot's picture

Mix the ink for a little bit before you start. Keep the ink you are using on top of the dryer. We have a coulpe of drills and regular paint mixers from home depot. I also use a Kitchenaid mixer for larger batches. Once the ink is moving it will usually stay fluid for awhile.
Or as stated above move south.

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

Cabinet is probably the most economical. I've actually seen temperature controlled storage lockers for chemicals and other things. See if someone is ditching one on eBay or craigslist or something like that.

I hear you on the electric bills ... Mine is more than my mortgage! :eek: