Color separator expert for hire

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Hello, I am available for all of your color separation needs. I have over 17 years experience in separations. I specialize in Photo realistic / airbrush style seps.

Here's an example of a 9 color separation I did for Halo 4

Colors are:

1. base white
2. dk blue 647c
3. blue 298c
4. cool grey 7c
5. yellow 129c
6. orange 153c
7. dk green 575c
8. lt green 5793c
9. top white

(no black)

Attachment: color separations by Scott D. Follow me on facebook

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It's time for our first free giveaway to one of our facebook fans. In celebration of (soon to be) 700 likes, MySeps is giving away (1) free color separation of your artwork (up to 7 colors) and I will also print and ship the films to you at no cost. (Shipping to US only). I will announce a winner on facebook at the end of the giveaway next week. Click here to enter: color separations by Scott D. Follow me on facebook