
Hello, I am looking for some advice regarding backpacks. I truly have been able to fix most every issue over the years but I am having no luck.

I have tried using adjusting my frame (for backpacks) changing my needle, changing my fonts, removing underlay, changing density, checking that tensions are good.

What else could the attached pictured issue could be causing this to move out of line as shown? I have done a test sew out and it sews fine but no matter what I change it sews wonky on the backpack.

Thank you for any help, advice and/or comments.

United States

I have my own embroidery digitizing company and I have the same problem. Let me know if anyone here solves this problem.

[URL=]Heaven Digitizing[/URL]

Is it one piece of material or 2 sewn together?

If its 2 separate pieces sewn together as one it will do this.