Complete Amscomatic K895 Folder/Bagger/Sealer

Camden, SC, United States

This is a complete Amscomatic (M&R) one owner folding/bagging/sealing/drop conveyor line. Everything is complete and works as designed. We are looking for $15,900 crated and loaded. We have leasing available and accept CC/Paypal.

Seritech Inc.

There are 7 Comments


danlilsade wrote:
This is a complete Amscomatic (M&R) one owner folding/bagging/sealing/drop conveyor line. Everything is complete and works as designed. We are looking for $15,900 crated and loaded. We have leasing available and accept CC/Paypal.

I know that sending an person videos of a clean fully functional machine that was priced in the original post, should at the very least, merit a return call or e-mail if you were serious in the first place.

13 of your last 14 posts have been requests for videos of machines being sold. If you are a serious buyer get on a plane and inspect the unit in person, the truth is found when you are standing there in person (or you send a trusted technician).

You may find what you are looking for elsewhere and that is fine with me. Busywork is not something I am seeking. I have accommodated all your requests in the past, not anymore. If you are interested in something I have for sale; "plan to put some boots on the ground".

Seritech Inc.