Listed below are the pieces of equipment that are for sale.
Items are for sale ONLY as a complete package now through October 31, 2009.
Items available for individual sale to the highest bidder beginning November 1, 2009.
Please do not hesitate to email me with your needs and offers.
1995 M&R Gauntlet 'S' - 8 color / 10 station Automatic Press
16 x 16 Print Area
Pneumatic drive, pneumatic heads
2 sets of pallets - adult, youth
Includes 3 flashes - Omni Flash (cage), 2 BBC 24x24 panel flash
Currently disassembled and ready for crating
Price disassembled: $9750
Price assembled and running: $11,500
1998 Atlas Copco 10hp Rotary Screw Compressor
Integrated chiller and 80 gallon tank
Compressor - 240V or 480V 3-phase; Chiller 240V 1-phase
39 cfm @ only 61db (can be kept in print area)
Price: $3750
Workhorse 3011 Quartz Powerhouse Conveyot Dryer
30" belt, 5 feet of heat, 6' infeed, 3' outfeed
Capable of running automatic press (400-500 shirts per hour)
240V 3-phase, 12000 watts, 38 amps
Price: $3950
Workhorse 8-color / 6-station manual Press
Awesome sampling press
Adult, youth and sleeve boards included
Price $2900
Workhorse Primus 1820A - Automatic Flash
230V 1-phase, 3250 watt, 15 amp
Auto controlled footswitch
Price $850
OLEC 8000 Watt Metalide Exposure System
45 x 36 exposure area - 7 second exposure times
Will burn multiple smaller frames at once
Comes with OLEC Digital Integrator AI985
Price: $2450
Package price - $25,000
Package price including inks, squeegies, screens, screen box, washout, spray tack, shirt tubs..... everything you need to start working on day one.
Shop located in Pleasanton, CA