$15,999 OBO
1. M & R Gauntlet Revolver GT-8 Automatic Screenprinting Press
- 8 Colors 10 Stations- prints 300-600 shirts per hour.
- full set of squeegies, pallets, flood bars.
2. M & R Flash unit included.
- M & R are the best and most reliable screenprinting presses out there. Built like a tank. Service and Parts are always availabe to keep you in production.
3. Curtis 120 gallon air compressor.
4. Workhorse Powerhouse Quartz dryer 2608
5. National Screen Exposure Unit.
6. Epson 3000 oversize printer. ( for screen positives )
7. A ton of accessories including -
-50 retensionable Screens
- tons of ink
-film positive paper
-yards and yards of screen mesh
- dip tank to clean your screens.
-electric power washer commercial grade
After 15 years I am no longer able to screen print. This setup was worth 75,000+ when new. You can make north of $100K+ using this setup as it stands.
Seller Financing may be available to the right person.
Call Kevin 801-913-8102
There are 2 Comments
Re: M&R Gauntlet GT-8 Automatic Screenprinting Shop Complete
Still available?
Re: M&R Gauntlet GT-8 Automatic Screenprinting Shop Complete
Please call me 707-586-9185