Complete Screen Printing Shop
All of this equipment is from Vastex. They make excellent equipment. The equipment was bought all at the same time in Nov 2010. Its in excellent condition. Its only been used for 4 small jobs. I dont have much use for the equipment for it was something I was doing on the side. This stuff needs to go its just taking up space. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
1 - V1000-Rotary Press (4) 15X17 Pallets (6) Print Heads with service pan and wheels - 2000.00
1 - Sleeve/Leg Pallet - 100.00
1 - DB-30-120 DriBox Converyer Dryer with leg set - 1500.00
1 - F Flash Spot Dryer with stand - 350.00
1 - E1000 Exposing Unit - 1500.00
Asking 5000.00 obo
I have more pictures available if interested.. I will split the package if someone is interested in certain pieces.
There are 25 Comments
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
Do you still have the dryer? If you do please contact airbrush graphix at the following number 828 736 3423. Thanks
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
Please call me Thursday morning if possible
905 246 6742
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
Hello there,
I bought your registration system and screens.
was wondering if you shipped the stuff yet ?
if so can you send me tracking number ?
Coppell Shirt Co.
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
Where are you located and what do you have left?
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
Memphis, TN & Everything listed in the post
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
Hello there,
Did you send the Registration System yet ?
If so please send me the tracking number
Coppell Shirt Co.
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
Please call me Thursday morning if possible
905 246 6742
or you can email me
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
VRS Registration Unit and screens are sold.. The things listed above is all I have left.
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
I knew those would be the easiest sell. I was even thinking about that.
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
will you take $1000 for the dryer? Call me if so 540-748-5455
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
Will you take $3500 cash for everything?
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
did you send it today as you promised ?
tracking ???
Coppell Shirt Co.
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
do you still have these available? i'm interested in the press, conveyer dryer and flash dryer only
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
The press is still available???
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
I give you $250.00 for the F Flash Spot dryer with stand my email is
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
I give you $250.00 for the F Flash Spot dryer with stand my email is
and send me more photos of the more things you have
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
Have you sold the dryer yet. I am interested in it. What would be your lowest price you would take I am in Virginia. Please email
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
Hi, as of now, what do you have left?
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
I have everything left.. I have someone coming to buy it this weekend if i still have it.
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
Have you sold the dyer yet. I would like to buy if not. please let me know.
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
Still availavle the dryer
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
where are you located?
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
Can you ship or is this pick up only? I am interested in everything. email me at
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
Do you have the price right on the E1000? You can find it new for $1250.
Re: Complete Shop (Vastex) (Price Reduced)
Is this equipment still available? I am interested in all that is shown.