Converting .BDF to anything

Background: Our business is upgrading our embroidery software from Brother BES-100 to Wilcom. Part of the deal was to turn in the BES-100 Dongle to get a better price on the Wilcom software.

Issue: We have thousands of embroidery designs in the Brother software stored in the native .BDF format.

Problem: Once the dongle is gone I will have no way of opening the .BDF files to use with the Wilcom software without exporting each of the thousands to a .DST format.

Needed Solution: Is there a third party program that will allow me to open BDFs for the purpose of converting them to any other embroidery file.

timgo's picture

Midnitesin wrote:
Background: Our business is upgrading our embroidery software from Brother BES-100 to Wilcom. Part of the deal was to turn in the BES-100 Dongle to get a better price on the Wilcom software.

Issue: We have thousands of embroidery designs in the Brother software stored in the native .BDF format.

Problem: Once the dongle is gone I will have no way of opening the .BDF files to use with the Wilcom software without exporting each of the thousands to a .DST format.

Needed Solution: Is there a third party program that will allow me to open BDFs for the purpose of converting them to any other embroidery file.


You'll have to export those as machine files (perhaps DST) from Brother first, then you can open those in Wilcom E3..

i experienced the same problem when i switched to wilcom in july from a different software. i just opted to keep my old software as well. i'm glad i did, i've had to access many designs that i've done in the old software since july....

digitizing...since 1996.