Copy rights

Where can I obtain info. about copy rights ? Can a public school copy right there logo High School,Intermediate,Elementary ?
If I find an image on line can I reproduce it ? What can I copy right ?
We have our local baseball group for the kids and they use college or minor league logos on there jersey's, can I reproduce these for the kids or do I already need an Attorney ?
Thanks for any help

United States
tompainesbones's picture

Bearcat wrote:
Another question I have is that from my understanding you can make a certain amount of changes to an Emblem, Logo, Name, Art work etc. and it be perfectly legal. I have never found out exactly what percentage must be changed to not be infringing is this true or only a wives tale.

It's an old wives tale, how could you measure a percentage change in a design.

a school can trademark a logo but it is a timely process and at the federal level.
i googled "can a school district trademark their logo" and found it is quite a lot of legal issues.
is the logo unique? and was it trademarked? i would contact your local small business development office if you have one for some free legal advice.
good luck.

i would go to the school board. those are the people who i would ask. they pay the bills. ask them if they put it out for bid? depending on the state it may require it to go out to bid. finally you could FOIL for it. freedom of information law.
again good luck

You can file a trademark with a logo. All major teams have trademarks and in order to use those you need permission, usually via licensing rights where they either collect a percentage of the sales utilizing those marks or a flat rate.

Using logos from local schools is probably a gray area, it would probably be best to inquire directly with the school. If they give you written permission, then you should probably be ok.

tompainesbones's picture

There are copyrights, rights over what I write. They exist as soon as I write it.
There are trademarks, which I must apply for and cover my logos and branding.
there are image rights, I can't take a photo of a celeb and use it, even though I would own the copyright.
Any of these can get you into trouble.
They are often confused.
The schools own copyright and image rights over their logos regardless of whether they have trademarked them.

Can a PUBLIC school obtain trade marks for there emblems like the ----- bears.
----- bobcats, ------- wolves, etc. What I am referring to is the local elementary, intermediate and high schools, Public Schools that I contribute lots of tax dollars to every year ? The school has told me I can not print anything relating to the schools but I am looking for info.on where I can find out if they really are registered logo's Trademarked or if they are just keeping all the printing to there family and or buddies in the business.
The local school system prints T's for all the elementary schools around 5-6 thousand a year and they are very secretive as to who is doing the work.

tompainesbones's picture

Bearcat wrote:
The school has told me I can not print anything relating to the schools

...and they are right.
You probably aren't speaking to the right guy, schools are usually delighted to have a competitive quotation.
tompainesbones's picture

Basically if you didn't create the design, you cannot print it. Unless the image has a public use license that allows commercial use EVERYTHING on the web generally has copyright restrictions.
Generally college and baseball leagues own their trademarks and copyright their designs, you may enquire about it to the relevant organisation, they may allow it's use on the uniforms of teams?

Thanks for all your help I have dug a little deeper and it seems that one of the members of the school board owns the company doing all of the printing. Seems that may be unethical or maybe even teetering on a legal issue. I am trying to get them to at least throw me some crumbs.
Another question I have is that from my understanding you can make a certain amount of changes to an Emblem, Logo, Name, Art work etc. and it be perfectly legal. I have never found out exactly what percentage must be changed to not be infringing is this true or only a wives tale.

Thanks again for all the help