dakota collectibles 2004 workbook

I am searching for 2004 Dakota Collectible workbook/design catalog to purchase. Need to be in good shape.

Michaeline Rieck
Heartland Stitchworks
4239 Springview Dr.
Grand Island NE 68803

mikie2604 wrote:
I am searching for 2004 Dakota Collectible workbook/design catalog to purchase. Needs to be in good shape.


Michaeline Rieck
Heartland Stitchworks
4239 Springview Dr.
Grand Island NE 68803

Threadin wrote:
PM me. I have a brand new 2004 design book. How much including shipping? I can pay with credit card, paypal. If you happen to have more than I would be interested in both. you can call me or text me at 308-379-8441

Michaeline Rieck
Heartland Stitchworks
4239 Springview Dr.
Grand Island NE 68803