Digital Art Solutions Software For Sale

United States

DIGITAL ART SOLUTIONS SOFTWARE and TEMPLATE's and books....used very little.

Smart Template Editor--2007 version
Smart Template 1
Smart Template 4
Sports and Mascots Vol 1
Sports and Mascots Vol 2
Design Studio 2
Creative Concepts--never opened
Ready Art--never opened

Like brand new...great software....we just don't use it enough to warrant keeping it. You can view the art packages on the digital art solutions website.

$800 for the set...will consider selling separate and will consider all offers.


There are 2 Comments

Hi, I realize this post is a little old but wondered if you still had any or all of the this software still available please let me know as I am interested.


trendytees wrote:
DIGITAL ART SOLUTIONS SOFTWARE and TEMPLATE's and books....used very little.

Smart Template Editor--2007 version
Smart Template 1
Smart Template 4
Sports and Mascots Vol 1
Sports and Mascots Vol 2
Design Studio 2
Creative Concepts--never opened
Ready Art--never opened

Like brand new...great software....we just don't use it enough to warrant keeping it. You can view the art packages on the digital art solutions website.

$800 for the set...will consider selling separate and will consider all offers.


Do you still have the software