By mgumbrell on
Sep. 17, 2009
I have edited a .jpg of a circle (red).
The finished image should be a ring doughnut shape (red) where the centre of the image is the clothe thats been embroidered on. The programme has filled it with a white stitch instead. When I remove the white stich I am left with a sloid red block.
How can I edit the image so that I have a ring doughnut type image where the centre of the embroidered image is the clothe that the image is embroidered onto?
Thanks, Matt
Re: Digitising/creating a whole in filled stitch
What software are you using? On my software when I digitize a filled in object, I hit enter and it allows to digitize for the opening or hole so garment will show through.
I can also digitize it for you, if you are unable to figure out the program.
Karen Castillo
Karen's Embroidery & Digitizing
Re: Digitising/creating a whole in filled stitch
I am using Wilcom Deco Studio.
Its kind of you to offer to digitize it but I would like to learn how to do this. I wouldn't have considered this to be too hard (how wrong I am) I am on a mission now to find out how to do this.
On more complex items I will give in to those who no more than I and get a professional to do it. I would just like to know how to do this.
Thanks again, Matt
Re: Digitising/creating a whole in filled stitch
Hi, I have had this happen before on different computers, so I think it is a computer processing error not your fault. What has worked for me is to move some of the nodes in wireframe mode if you have that , then regenerate stitches. After a couple of times the computer seems to figure out how to do it and it works. Hope this helps!
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Digitising/creating a whole in filled stitch
I´m using Wilco Embroidery Studio so I dont know if the tools are the same. They should be and this tool is one of the basic ones that you need. Its called the Complex Fill tool. I think if you press F3 it should come up. If you digitise the outer line of the circle then press enter you will see the insructions in the bottom left corner telling you to enter the first point on boundery two. That is the inside "Hole" . Digitise this hole, press enter and then follow the insructions in the bottom left tool bar. You can make as many holes as you like . Set the stitch angle , then enter and now you should have your circle with a hole in it.
Hope its helped.
Re: Digitising/creating a whole in filled stitch
From your leads I have done it.
The stitching that needs to have a hole in it, needs to be turned into a "fusion fill" once selected press F2. Create the hole and press enter, enter and bingo a hole appears.
Thanks for all your input.