By dslocum on
Jul. 14, 2018
Hello, I have digitized my first logo and it looks great on my computer screen. My lettering is nice and plump and everything looks near perfect on my computer screen. I mostly used column stitches. However, when stitched on my new Brother SE625, everything looks too thin and skinny. I don't get the same results that I see on my screen. Is it common to not get the same results that appear on the computer screen? Do I just need to digitize fatter designs or is it a bad setting on my machine? Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks
Re: Digitizing Newbie! Stitched designs too thin!! Help
your computer "screen capture"is just that.....a computer generated "idea" of what your embroidered logo should look will ALWAY'S have to compinsate for comp pull by bumping up your "comp pull" settings......and different settings for diff. garment types.......not sure what system you are using but for Pulse we have a special "comp pull" setting that you can increase or decrease the "plumpness" as you call it of the satin column....not the density but thickness of each satin column, i hope that makes sense to fact most times when you look at my "screen capture" the lettering looks uneven due to the comp pull i will add to certain letters, but when it sews out (hopefully) they all come out nice and even.
Re: Digitizing Newbie! Stitched designs too thin!! Help
Thank you for the response! That is exactly what the problem was. I appreciate your help!
Re: Digitizing Newbie! Stitched designs too thin!! Help
read through can help you get started:
digitizing...since 1996.