By Schuey on
Sep. 18, 2009
Can anyone help me with any info regarding digitizing this stitch effect. I've seen it sewn mostly with cotton thread and it looks like a fill stitch that runs back and forth before moving on, similar to a bean stitch I suppose. I'm using ApS Ethos right now and it doesn't have any stock effect that would give me this result. Is it a stitch effect available in another type of software, or maybe the fill effect needs to be created? Thanks.
Re: Digitizing Yarn/Whip fill effect
It is in the settings of the fill stitch. You have to go in and set the stitch length in order to make it look like that.
Karen Castillo
Karen's Embroidery & Digitizing
Re: Digitizing Yarn/Whip fill effect
Hi Karen,
I understand about editing the stitch length for my different fill stitches, but I'm at a loss as to how create a fill effect that will stitch back and forth several times(at the determined stitch interval) before moving on. When you digitize a design that gives the same result as my pic is it just a stock fill in your software that you use or did you have to create a new fill effect or edit an existing stock one? Thanks.