DIGOTEX = Bankrupt - Sad News for Our Industry ...

DIGOTEX = Bankrupt - Sad News for Our Industry ...

DIGOTEX GmbH, Kufstein

05.09.2012 bankruptcy proceedings at the Regional Court of Innsbruck

over the assets of the company
6330 Kufstein, animal mountain trail 17
GZ: 19 S 68/12s

To the trustee in bankruptcy lawyer Dr. Michael Gumpoltsberger from Wörgl was ordered. The first audit and reporting day statute was set at 10/22/2012.

Creditors' claims can only be accepted from now through the KSV1870. The legal deadline was set at 08/10/2012.

Director: Andrea Mayrhofer
Director: Herbert Mayrhofer, who is also the de facto major player in the company's

Activity of the company:
This company was founded in mid-2007. The main player in this business
is Mr. Herbert Mayrhofer, who was already at the company MHM screen printing machines GmbH in Ebbs lead to the bankruptcy act.

In recent years, this company operated on almost the same area as the insolvent MHM screen printing machines GmbH, ie the development, production and distribution of print and special machines. The company 5 employees are employed.

This company has been around for some time, liquidity problems and some creditors have pursued their claims in court already.

The liabilities of the Company are in accordance with the present balance sheets at approx. EUR 1.1 million

Whether continued operation is possible will turn out in the next 14 days. This depends ostensibly on whether enough money and lucrative jobs are available.

2012-09-05 Innsbruck,

Hintringer Walter
Branch Manager
Credit Protection Association of 1870
Association to ZVR number 175263718
6010 Innsbruck, Templstraße 30
Phone 0501870-3018, Fax: 050187099-8936
e-mail: @ hintringer.walter ksv.at

californiadreamin wrote:
It is unfortunate!
Mr. Mayrhofer has been a real blessing to the industry.
He has worked hard for many years. His contributions have helped many, and
Forced or inspired his competition to build better machines. His age and
Health will define his future,as it will with some of us. We can also learn that
Nothing stays the same. Mark my words, the industry will and is going through
Major change. There will be more notices like this.

Sad, and I couldn't agree more. Competition breeds innovation, unfortunately their must be enough market and money flow to allow competition. Without this any industry suffers complacency without being driven by competition. If you also look around at the key names and drivers, some of them stepped up to the plate quite some time ago, and we hear little of youth and new people coming through as design engineers with passion and new thoughts utilising newer manufacturing methods or componentry and with fire in their belly to drive forward the industry again.

As printers we are after ever increasing numbers and increases in Quality, faced with more change-outs, shorter run sizes, quicker lead-times, tight margins, and seeking production efficiencies, reductions in waste, etc... All of which is dependant on machinery design, innovation and production. It is an evolve or fail world. What was proven 20 years ago wouldnt last as a business model now for long at all, and I would suggest that will always be the case.

Unfortunately design, changes, experiments and failures all come at a cost and for the manufacturer this is hard when their volume is down and cashflows tight and they in turn will also be looking more how to retain their core skilled staff and tighten their own boats, rather than taking on fresh young blood and investing in developing new features and lines.

Ultimately this is not unique to any one industry or country. It does tend to be the older guys who go, and choose retirement over battling on. What we loose is experience to pass onto others. I just hope for the sake of everyone that as many as possible can ride out the economy. Which in my opinion is much harder in Europe. Although they dont have any big shops the size of mnr I still believe they add more than their weight in terms of development regardless the fact they may never have built as many machines.

Prime example of why innovation and technology along with inflation and unstable markets are going flip our industry upside down, in the upcoming years. The machines are only a minor factor in what we are experiencing. Don't get me wrong, the local stuff will always be there but what if you had larger major markets to compete with?

GraphicDisorder wrote:
Shame they went out of business. Seems like soon as a certain someone started plugging them they died. Funny how that works.

Brandt, you are so ignorant and read too much into this, they never marketed or sold into the US. There is a whole planet out there with hundreds of other countries... You and Robert arent that special in making or breaking a company, the global economy, interest rates, banking finance, credit and spending, taxation etc in Europe is less important than two clowns in a cockfight on a forum that few outside the us read???? This is just a sign that anybody selling capital goods needs distribution channels and marketing presence, and in a tough market there will logically be failures.

Take you medication fat boy!:eek:

Printwizard wrote:
Brandt, you are so ignorant and read too much into this, they never marketed or sold into the US. There is a whole planet out there with hundreds of other countries... You and Robert arent that special in making or breaking a company, the global economy, interest rates, banking finance, credit and spending, taxation etc in Europe is less important than two clowns in a cockfight on a forum that few outside the us read???? This is just a sign that anybody selling capital goods needs distribution channels and marketing presence, and in a tough market there will logically be failures.

Take you medication fat boy!:eek:

Mr Printwizard, I can completely see your point with this post, it is unfortunate that many Americans cannot see past the borders, or cannot see or accept that someone else's product or idea as being possibly necessary at the stake of hurting our own economy, or better yet progressing a process. However I think GD and many others here are not going to just sit back and take Fat Bob's bullshlt agenda as a credo for SP machines. More importantly RWB has been a complete douche to GD from the beginning, so I really don't blame GD for knocking Mr. Wonderful, like it or not Fat Bob is a vulture, his only real purpose here is to discredit his nemesis (M&R) and to *try* and stuff his own wallet by spamming this forum. It wouldn't be a cockfight if RWB could behave normally.

Yours, Squeegee

It is unfortunate!
Mr. Mayrhofer has been a real blessing to the industry.
He has worked hard for many years. His contributions have helped many, and
Forced or inspired his competition to build better machines. His age and
Health will define his future,as it will with some of us. We can also learn that
Nothing stays the same. Mark my words, the industry will and is going through
Major change. There will be more notices like this.